I often took Carl for granted! Because he seemed rock solid... Carl was like an anchor who was always there to listen and also add his opinions... I felt as if he would always be there.... Like Mount Rushmore..
He worried about the Republikkkans taking control of America.. He liked Howard Dean, Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders.... He enjoyed watching Keith Olbermann, Kathy Griffin, Maggie Griffin, Rachael Maddow, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher and John Stewart.. He was always front and center when White Trash Debutantes would play in the Bay Area... He owned a print shops in various locations in SF... He would often print and donate posters for certain causes he supported such as a Captain Colors Benefit, Brother Ed Tribute Show and a benefit for H.E.A.R. .. Carl also supported many bands such like White Trash Debutantes, Flipper, Housecoat Project, Stan Fairbanks, The Breakouts, The Insaints, Frances Farmer Gals, MDC, Rancid, Operation Ivy, Paula Keyth, Chalk Circle and Faith No More.... Carl stood around about 5Ft 8" was very lean and filled with a robust energy.. He did not do drugs or smoke.. However he was known to take a nip of Irish Whiskey and a Guinness Stout on occasion... And we will never forget his Aikido Rolls... They would liven up the dullest parties... However much to my dismay I had no idea how ill he really was! We would talk on the phone a couple times a week and he never complained about being sick.. I do remember him telling me about a blemish that he was concerned about.. I urged him to go to a specialist. Carl was of Scottish?Irish decent with a very fair complexion.. During his days in San Francisco he was always riding his bicycle on sunny days. Now it is safe to assume without any sun screen. He told me sometime later that he had his skin checked it out and that the Doctor felt he had caught it in time.. Carl worried about me having to deal with a drunk who lived above me. He was happy when he heard that the jerk was evicted.. He also was very concerned about a wack job who was bothering Kathy Peck.. He would often speak about problems with his Mother in Seattle and her health issues.... He had recently become the executor of her estate... He was very concerned about the care she was receiving in the Rest Home she was living in... But he never spoke about himself being in such bad health... He seemed more interested in hearing about other peoples problems rather than talking about the intense pain that he must have been in... When he collapsed at his home in Portland, Oregon around Thanksgiving.. The Doctors at the hospital who examined him told his brother said he had advanced stages of Melanoma and Leukemia.. One can only imagine the pain that he must have been in.. I know he did not care for doctors but how I wished he would have gone in for treatment. But for whatever the reason Carl has now found peace... Carl - you made the world a better place... You were always there as a friend to help... Rest in peace my kind friend...
We will miss you! This is so very sad!!
Dear Carl, I just erased your number in my phone. We were calling you at thanksgiving to have you join us, not knowing you had died of advanced cancer the day before. We didn't hear the news for a couple weeks.We didn't know how sick you were, no one did. It was so sad. I will miss you at our family gatherings You always displaced the tension, made everyone feel at home with each other. You would play at the forefront of social gatherings with me; dance like a maniac, joke obnoxiously, blab, gossip; We would make spectacles of ourselves! Then, at the turn of a hat, you were checking in with my parents, discussing politics with Steve, talking strategies for the publishing company, trying to help and give good practical advice. Then, just as easily, go off in a dark corner to check on my mother, give her the emotional support she needed. You were so much more thoughtful than me. Like a chameleon, you could adjust accordingly to each person. And you were so fun! You never missed an opportunity to enjoy life while you could! I met you at a P.I.L concert almost 30 years ago in S.F. at the pier. It was near that Safeway in the Marina. You were starving so we went and got some celery! (Did we shoplift? I can't remember!) Why celery? We were drunk! Perhaps that's what we had decided would be the most nutritious option in our crazy, alcohol addled, (health-concious!) minds...! I think you had decided to drink whiskey that night so I guess we were trying to counteract the evil libations. I remember jumping up and down as Lydon pranced around in his pajamas. I think you tied your shirt on your head. Later, you would curb your enthusiasm when it came to drinking... going from beer to soda as the years passed. I didn't know you were so sick. Only you knew the extent of your illness. A stoic until the end, I guess you thought it might dampen the party; Silly. I really do wish you had shared your thoughts with us. We could have been there for you, like you were for us. More than anything else, you were a considerate and kind person. Thank you for the lovely Birthday painting you gave me last year. You showed up at my party even though you must have been in the throes of your illness. You chose to live your life with high spirits. You were a man of talent and mystery. I will miss you so much. I wish we could have hung out more. We always talked about it, but you were gone in a flash. I hope you are in a good place now. You are gold! much love from Paula
Thank you Ginger. I had no idea that he had cancer. He always came to see me when he was in town. I took him to my cousins party at the antique center in Oakland. He was a wonderful person. Thank you
Thank you for letting me know about Carl.
So sorry Ginger for the loss of of your friend RIP Carl Campbell.
You are all in my thoughts Eve Davies, Daniel de Leon, Ruby Blackstock, Ike Lubinecki, Louie Vktm, Kathy Peck, Meri St Mary, Tim "Lint" Armstrong, Frankie Loyal Delgado, Jane Sheehan, Nick Marden, Eddie Morgan, Carole Lennon, Paula Keyth, Alan Korn, Ariana Marden and Michele Rebelle. Special prayer for you Ginger. Love ya,
Thanks Ginger.
He was a lovely man who cared. Thanks Ginger for letting us all know u keep the flame burning
Only spoke to you a few times on the net but you were always nice and made me laugh! So sorry for your loss Ginger. |