Reality is fame, fame is reality and cheap bad entertainment (?) is the way of the new world. The Kardashians are household names for being crass cash cows having no talent other than a vulgar past. Has beens become could bes by letting cameras into their homes. We watch it lapping up every false real moment with relish.
LOGO has decided to join into the mindless cash grabbing fray. This low has been achieved by the airing of “The A-List”. LOGO’s gay themed reality show is about unpleasant no ones from both New York and Dallas. They have found “a-listers” happy to expose their uber faggy foibles for all to see. Stereo-types be praised and reinforced! Bitchy queens throwing drinks and hissy fits make such good TV. So sad, so sad. What is sadder than this drivel is that gay people seem to watch. Enjoying the name calling and queenly spats may be a guilty pleasure but it serves to perpetuate vapid limp wristed stereo-types of what it means to be gay. Oddly there are no “A-List” lesbians. Granted an hour a week of middle class suburbanite queers going about their daily lives has a limited appeal. This is real reality. Real reality is an oxymoron.
LOGO’s other foray into reality programming is “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” This is a game show pitting drag queens in a contest culminating with becoming drag queen of the year. Sure they too are shallow and bitchy; they’re drag queens that’s part of the shtick. None of it is real, drag is illusion.
Logo can’t be entirely held to blame for airing dreck like “The A-List”. They are catering to the public’s taste; if no one watched plot less palaver it wouldn’t get made. The true problem with “The A-List” and their ilk is us. Lazy brains are accepting and expecting false reality in lieu of plot, dialogue and acting. Programming has been replaced by marketing and self promotion and we have been reprogrammed to watch enraptured by nothing.
LOGO’s other foray into reality programming is “Ru Paul’s Drag Race” This is a game show pitting drag queens in a contest
culminating with becoming drag queen of the year.
Sure they too are shallow and bitchy; they’re drag queens that’s part of the
shtick. None of it is real, drag is illusion.
Logo can’t be entirely held to blame for airing dreck like “The A-List”. They are catering to the public’s taste;
if no one watched plot less palaver it wouldn’t get made. The true problem with “The A-List” and their ilk is us.
Lazy brains are accepting and expecting false reality in lieu of plot, dialogue and acting. Programming has been
replaced by marketing and self promotion and we have been reprogrammed to watch enraptured by nothing.