i'm not really nice person. but i only care for what happened in this mean world. and i want the world is peacefull. no more WAR, no more Tears, No more Hungry people, No more young kids die because Drugs,
no more Racism/Facism/sexism/prejudice, no more religion squardon (all religion same!! must peace), no more soldiers die for his duty (he not Starting a War, but he must fight for his Country and die for his Country. i think is very mean. but he die with a pride and Honour)
i cant change the world. i'm just Mr.Nobody. but i have a pride to brings our life to better life. only for Love and peace.
i think Mr.Lennon is very Genius when he write "imagine" song.
and Mr.Biafra his very Genius when he write "Kill the poor" is very protest song. i really like when i know he would like to join for Governor candidate a long time ago.
i like writing, but is too bad my english language is very bad. i cant write what i thinking.
you very happy, you can writing on zine.
is too bad Anna son die young. so many work to do on the age of Daniel. maybe God have a plan for his.
i hope.