-Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the
interview Rabind Rawks. Can you tell the readers where you live
and how you got into punk music.
Hi Punk Globe, thx for choosing me to
get the interview. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia. Punk already
developed by the beginning of 90`s. I knew punk in year 1994.
The first band I knew were Sex Pistols and Ramones.
I have a funy story while I was about
10 years old. Back in that days I really like to wear my
Agnostic Front t-shirt, which I have no idea what kind of band
were they. My dad bought me the t-shirt. But suddenly, I`m
beginning to really liked that band.
I used to like Queen, Beatles, Doors.
But after I knew about punk in 94-95, I started to collect
musics from Punk band! I`m one of a lucky person, cause I got
the chance by get to watch the first Punk Rock Show in
Indonesia. And all the Bands was a totally Punk! No Metal Bands.
And I still keep the ticket till now!

-Punk Globe: Readers know you best
as a contributor to Punk Globe and they love your opinions on
music.. Have you ever played in a band like your good pal Barmy?
Iv`e built a Punk Organization called
Septictank. The member were quite a lot. Some of `em make a Band
by using the same name with the Organization name. and now,
the`ve become popular Punk Band in Indonesia. Septictank has a
split cd with the Virus band from State. I`ve also have ever
made a band called 'Disorder'(Indonesian Band), we were playing
the Oppressed songs. But we only did one concert and never play
again. But all the ex member of Disorder still meet me. Few
weeks ago, the drummer of Ex-Disorder had passed away.
-Punk Globe: I know you have won
many fans from Punk Globe as well as My Space because of your
energy and support .. Who are your favorite bands?
Ramones,Sex Pistols,the
Oppressed,Antiseptic,AMQA,the Pist,
Gleichlaufschwankung ,Cornerstone,Partisans,the
the Showcase Showdown,White Trash
Debutantes,Misfits,the Fix,
Me First and the Gimme
Gimmes,Blitz,Chronic Sick,the Discocks,
GG.Allin,Op Ivy,the Clash,Minor
Threat,State of Alert,Jags,
Cockney Rejects,Descendents,the Toy
Dolls,Not Available,
Cervelli Stanki,Cryptic Slaughter,Vomit
Punx,the Slits,Spiky Joy,
Bored to Death,Butt Trumpet,Jayne
County,the Undead,Elloco,
Even Worse,Police Shit,the
Scrawnies,Clark Kent,Magazine,
Psycho Negatives,Bad Religion,Legion of
Left in the Middle,Criminal Damage,the
Mumps,the Beards,
Straight A Head,Vaa Dat Kishut,
-Punk Globe: What are the Record
Stores like in Jakarta? Is it easy to find alternative music?
There are quite a lot of record store
in Jakarta, but it`s very hard to find Punk/HC Cds from the Best
Bands.That is why I always hunt Records at the Flea Market. We
can find anything in there. It`s just a matter of time.

-Punk Globe: I was impressed that
you were able to find the movie "Tweek City" in Jakarta. Is it
easy to find Movies there?
I`ve got 2 dvds of Tweek City. One is
Original, and the other one is the Piracy production.. Original
dvd in Indonesia is very expensive, about $30 USD. While the
Piracy one was only $1 USD each. I`m also a movie mania, I like
classical films.
-Punk Globe: Can you tell the
readers about the clubs and larger music venues in Jakarta. Do
you get alot of touring bands in Jakarta?
There`s no specific Club actually, live
Bands always held in some different places. Sometimes I watched
some live Bands Actually, there are a lot of International Punk
Band whose playing in Indonesia lately.
-Punk Globe: Can you tell us about
your favorite show that you have attended?
Hullabaloo 3 in Bandung. I remember
while the local Band 'Sendal Jepit' sang Bad religion`s song,
Generator, almost everyone sing a long at the stage with the
Band. And it made the stage were almost fell. I was really happy
that day.
-Punk Globe: How about the worst
The worst show was each time I saw
there were Bands whose playing, but they were mocking other
Bands. Who the hell they think they are?????? I understand about
idealism and other things, but when a Band`s on a stage, I hope
they`re playing it with FUN and not saying bad things for each
other Bands.
-Punk Globe: You have visited
America right Rabind? Where did you visit? Where you able to go
to any live shows in the USA?
I`ve been to L.A and Vegas few times.
But haven`t got a chance to see any band. Headline records is my
favorite place in Melrose.
-Punk Globe: You are an avid fan of
Cassettes. I would love to have you review Cassettes as well as
CD's for Punk Globe. My good friend Rabind.. Please give the
readers your address so bands can send you music to review..
Cassette has already disappeared !
everybody forget and leave that thing. Let`s us together
preserve it, especially for Punk Cassette. It`s been a pleasure
for me if there are some people who`d like to Trade cassettes or
cds with me.
My address:
Rabind Rawks
Jl. Metro Alam V No: 25
Pondok Indah
Jakarta 12310
-Punk Globe: You know about most
everything that happens in America and Europe. Tell us how you
get your news.. It is amazing to hear all the things you have
information on.
I`m not really good in English, but I
love to read, less watching Tv. But I like to correspond with my
friends who lives in overseas. I like to makes some friends with
out seeing the differences between.
-Punk Globe: Tell the readers about
your favorite Movies?
It`s hard to choose for only 1 movie.
The movies which influencing my life are:
Forrest Gump, Wizard of Oz, 2001 : a
Space Odyssey
-Punk Globe: Who are your favorite
Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday
Kathy Bates in Misery
Ginger Coyote in Tweek City
Al Pacino in Dog Day Afternoon
Jewel in Ride With The Devil

-Punk Globe: Who would you love to
have come play in Jakarta Rabind Rawks?
Maybe,Someday WTD
-Punk Globe: Do you have any special
messages for the readers of Punk Globe?
To the Punk Globe readers, thanks for
reading this article. I only wanted to say, that there are a lot
of Punk Bands who really good in Overseas. But most of People
only know about the Band with the English lyrics. I hope the
Band from Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin could develop Soon.
We are all in one voice! support them!!!
-Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the
interview, Rabind Rawks. Can you give the readers your My Space
address so they can visit your profile and say hello.
Thank you to Ms.Ginger Coyote who chose
me for being interview. And for all the Punk Globe staffs.
Thankyou my dear friend Rabind Rawks......