about the song
"I Spent My Summer In Vancouver
and All I Got Was
This Song"
of Billy Druid
is an interview with Tiltwheel songwriter Davey
“Tiltwheel” Quinn, who penned
"I Spent My Spring Break in Vancouver and All I Got Was This
Dumb Song"
“An angry young man won’t let boredom run his
life” and a “beautiful man won’t let boredom run
his life” are quite philosophical.
Are you guys self-aware, pondering thinkers as well as drinkers,
do you fall into the “oblivious day-boozers” category?
“Would you ask Hemingway these questions? He’d probably
kick your ass for asking something like that or get a bull
piss-drunk and sic it on you. I for one happen to find more
knowledge, history, happiness, and guidance from the
‘oblivious day-boozer’ than the
What other philosophical points do
you express on the rest of the album or even
in this song that
maybe someone might’ve missed?
“Nothing, we’re oblivious day-boozers. Our songs
are just about on the same level as listening to some crazy bum guy
scream at the giant flyin’ eyeball of Jesus being shot at him
from a laser beam—carrying dragon
led you to write the song?
“It’s a pretty self-explanatory song, really. Out
of beer but having a good time; bored, write letter to the beer
company thanking them for the good time, find some stuff, send it
off, wait for a reply, reply doesn’t come, and if you ever
notice or remember you even sent the damn thing, you say ‘oh
well’ and pay no mind, you gotta get a little pissed off
first that your love isn’t reciprocated, but then you calm
down and write a song about it. It’s art,
you ever in Vancouver to write this
“No, but I always wanted to go. I haven’t really
traveled out of Southern California, which is lame, I know. I hear
it’s really pretty up there and there’s nice shopping
to be done on Hastings Street. I almost went to Mexico once. My
friend was saying something about a place called Adelita’s. I
told him, ‘No thanks, I don’t like Mexican food —
it’s too spicy.’”
Lyrics to "I Spent My Spring Break in Vancouver and
All I Got Was This Dumb Song”
can’t think of, think of nothing, nothing left to drink from
and I’m searching for the answers in this here can but all I
got is a P.O. box Somewhere, Milwaukee I’m better off with a
letter to them telling them instead (so I wrote) “Dear Mr.
Pabst congratulations are in order. Your beer is great, your prize
was well deserved. Every time that I look back upon my life, you
have been there nearly every single fucking time I’ve
smiled” I gathered all my empty cans, I bought a postcard and
a stamp I made an envelope of flyers and tape and I drew some
pictures there’s one of you and me at a bonfire in B.C. you
were so beautiful and I was flipping off the police. But I waited a
few weeks and I didn’t get no reply. I sat by the phone and
the mailbox and I cried. All the while with a 12-pack by my side.
I’m not going to sit back and take this punch in stride. You
nazi motherfuckers better run for the pubs and hide. Cuz I’m
fat fucked up and beautiful on the wine. An angry young man
won’t let boredom run his life. A beautiful man won’t
let boredom run his life. Till the last call, till my last