By: Eliu of http://straydolls.com/
Prima Donna were recently on tour in the U.K. and Eliu of straydolls.com got a chance to ask the guys a few questions... We hope you all enjoy the interview.... Punk Globe would like to thank Eliu for sharing with our readers.....
(KP): Ferocious
(DF): Epic
(AM): Thunderous
(L): Kick-ass
(EA): Speechless
Punk Globe: Your own personal favorite song?
(KP): Broken
(DF): She Says
(AM): All of 'em! So far whenever I listen to it I listen to the whole thing. But to a new listener I don't know. Would be interested to hear what tracks people like around the world.
(L): Maxine
(EA): Bless This Mess
Punk Globe: How did you record the new album. Is it analog or
digital ?
(KP): It's kinda 50/50. We went through Pro Tools, but used the CLASP
analog machine.
(For the ones who don't know clasp machine integrates your tape
machine into the modern DAW workflow)
Punk Globe: Prima Donna Home Movies are a great way to promote the new album and give your fans a preview on Bless This Mess
AM: Thanks! The Home Movies were made by Rick at Acetate using footage
filmed by us and our crew over the last few years.
Punk Globe: What track will be your first single from ""Bless This Mess" ?
AM: Feral Children is what the label is pushing for first. We're gonna
make a music video for it soon. Feral Children is mixed by the great
Dave Sardy who is a Grammy winner.
E.A : Its a whole new ball game, its a new decade for everybody's sake,
we've all been through much since "After Hours."
Bless This Mess was more focused, we had a certain time period to
record and we went in with the basic song ideas. After Hours seemed to
take along time to record, we would play and tour in between sessions.
Punk Globe: You will be touring Europe for a month. Are you ready and what exactly can the fans expect from a Prima Donna show ?
KP: Get ready to sweat.
D.F. It will get very hot, so wear minimal clothing.
Punk Globe: Your CDs will NOT be printed in a near future, what is your opinion about that ?
L: I think it’s a bad move, I personally like to see all the liner notes an photos in my hand.
D.F. No problem, we will just release the next record on cassette tape.
KP: Vinyl is the only truth..
Punk Globe would like to thank Eliu of straydolls.com, Lis Booth and Prima Donna for the fun interview.....
All pics are by: http://straydolls.com/