"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Punk Of The Month 04/10



This month's PUNK OF THE MONTH award goes to this years Oscar Award winning Actress for "The Blind Side".. The gorgeous and very talented SANDRA BULLOCK... As many of you know SANDRA has been married to JESSE JAMES who is the CEO of his own company West Coat Choppers and is also a Reality Television Star in his own right.. They seemed to be living a fairy tale life. That was until Model Michelle McGee (who is covered in tattoo's) exposed to the world know that she had been having an 8 month affair with him. Soon photo's of McGee dressed in Nazi regalia began to circulate all over the Internet. And to add insult to injury she has a bold tattoo of the letters W P.. W P stands for White Power. Mr. James himself designed a logo for his company that in the shape of the Nazi icon Iron Cross. And rumor has it that one JESSE'S buddies from his Reality Show "Monster Garage" has a Nazi Flag on his living room wall. However this is not the sentiments of SANDRA BULLOCK and we salute her on how she is dealing with her shock of these alleged revelations.. She is a brave and well loved Woman.. So SANDRA - PUNK GLOBE takes pride in giving you this months PUNK OF THE MONTH AWARD.....



This months RUNNER UP PUNK OF THE MONTH goes to another very talented actress the wonderful BARBARA GARRICK who portrays ALLISON PERKINS on the soap opera One Life To Live... BARBARA who surprisingly has never been nominated for a Daytime Emmy for her portrayal of ALLISON reigns every time she is on the screen and she has amazing chemistry with so many characters like LINDSEY, ROXIE , VIKKI / NIKKI, BO, NORA, DORIAN LORD, MITCH LAWRENCE, JESS / TESS the list is endless... I hope for a romance with FORD and ALLY can bring out the Cougar within herself... She will soon make him forget all about LANGSTON... It is sad that OLTL only brings ALLISON into the mix every so often.. I personally feel she could be the next Erica Kane... In reality BARBARA is nothing like the fabulous ALLISON PERKINS... But we here at PUNK GLOBE would like to salute her alter ego ALLISON PERKINS as this months RUNNER UP PUNK OF THE MONTH...

Previous Punk of the month