"From Wonderful To What If"
by: Ginger Coyote
1. Wonderful
2. Passive Aggressive
3.Thats How it Is
4. Sex&Guns& Rock N Roll
5. Girl in Blue
6.Oral Contact (fyi)
7. Life Is Like A Wheel
8. Deportation
9. Friends Re-United
10. I Met A Girl
11. You Let Me Down
12. More Senses Than One
13. Final Act
14. What If
The Pork Sirens' Cd Cover
is a
funny and colorful cover, depicting a ship with two pigs on board
firing musical notes out of a cannon with a naked guy tied up next to
them. Mutiny on the ship or just a night of good fun with? What can
one expect from a band from Bristol, Great Britain.....Where Amy Winehouse has been known to have had many three day benders at..
While keeping her Beehive in tact.....According to Gerry Jenn Wilson
of Vancouver Canada's JP5... The first track is called Wonderful
and the last is... What If. The Pork Sirens first started playing
in the late 70s and were around briefly in the early 80s then
disbanded until recently deciding to reunite and record an album.
Ladies and gentlemen "From Wonderful to What?
Straightforward rock music, influenced mostly by 70's punk with a
bit of tight melodic perception. The lyrics are simple "tongue in
cheek" humor.
So overall - the CD is enjoyable. It is made by a bunch of cool
older seasoned players who don't give a fuck about getting signed..
They just wanna have FUN!!! It's way cool to hear something like