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Pork Sirens

By Ginger Coyote

The Pork Sirens


Immunised City (Sage) - 4:12
Blame Game (Pearce) - 4:03
Little Cockney Song (Pearce) - 1:46
We Don't Know (Pearce) - 4:37
Stillborn (Pearce) - 6:45
Mary Queen of Scots (Pearce) - 4:44
Internaionale (Sage) - 3:33
How The West Was Lost (Pearce) - 6:03
Secret Fantasy (Pearce) - 5:52
Conspiracy Theory of The Average Man (Pearce) - 9:11
? (Hyman/Carbuncle) - 0:40
Reborn (Pearce) - 1:02

I could not help but smile when the charming
Hughie Pearce
 sent me a copy of their latest CD 
"Betrayal, Secrets & Lies" for review..
Hughie Pearce
 and Dickey Sage reunited a couple years back after a
20-year break reuniting with the addition of Josh Read, Sean Pearce and Jake Read.. Bringing fresh blood helped them..

Their music rings of a bit like David Bowie, The Jam and
The Buzzcocks... I understand that they had all their files wiped on a computer crashed.. They had to re-record the entire CD. Don't know if that is true or part of the Pork Siren's humor. None the less
I enjoy this band and hope you will check out this CD...


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