What a great band name, even if it doesn't really let you know anything about the band or their music apart from the fact that they like a bit of a laugh (maybe), but, to be honest, there's nothing funny about this EP.
'Generation Next' gets us underway with some nice guitar klunk and we're off as the drums roll and we get riffing - heads down on a groove straight out of the garage stroke glam bag (good glam - you know '70s glam of the Dolls and not that cheesy metal tripe variety); plenty of bottom end rumble and a nifty frantic sound - this is a great introduction to world of Pink Cigar. This EP has a strangely alluring attraction and, even though the mix is a little bit muddy, you can tell these chaps mean business and wield their instruments with aplomb - yup, I like the sound of this; sort of retro with bits of genres that float my boat.
Track two sees the band go all strange on us - nah, it's not pop or
disco, it's called 'Strange' and a jazzy smouldering number it is too. Sounding like a bastard child of Johnny Thunders classic 'In Cold Blood' at the beginning it opens up to a twisted catchy ditty before dropping back into its jazzy beginnings and grows on the listener with each play. After two totally contrasting tracks we get 'Ladykiller' which has a meaty riff going on and has an air of a sleazy glammed-out Stooges without sounding like the Stooges if that makes sense? It does have some great guitar playing going on. The EP is closed out with the peculiarly named 'Throat' with its dirty white boy blues; again, another sidestep which adds yet more variety to this EP and most enjoyable it was too - it had me thinking of some early Alice Cooper and is the best song on offer out of the four even if it flies in the face of my usual policy of if you can't sing about it in under four minutes then it ain't right, as it clocks in at over six minutes but twists and turns; it reeled me in and had me hooked as it builds and builds. Excellent stuff!
Would definitely like to hear more from Pink Cigar because these four tracks impressed me and they look like a dapper group of chaps as well, adding to a mysterious package that has me intrigued. Having played in and around London these boys need to spread their wings and get out there and get amongst it and show the rest of us this Pink Cigar that people are talking about.