PINK CIGAR the high energy rock n roll band from London, England. A band that knows the true rock n roll spirit ! That's why Pink Cigar stand out. Here is a young new band with ton's of energy and catchy songs that excite and relate to their own generation. Here is my interview with guitarist Edd White and bassist Sam Rutland .... |
Sam: It all started 2010, we were looking all over London for a singer, none we found could cut the mustard, it was looking hopeless until we heard the barman at our local pub sing and realized he was right in front of eyes the whole time. We all loved listening to, and playing rock ’n’ roll so it was natural to that we started a rock ’n’ roll band, but we all decided it was gonna have to be modern to work and be exciting. We think it’s about time our generation came up with its own brand of rock ’n’ roll, and we feel we’re a part of that, because let’s be honest The Vaccines aren’t exciting anyone.
Punk Globe: Who is in Pink Cigar and what do they do in the band?
Edd: Sharkie Cottrell sings, Edd Whyte plays guitar, Sam Rutland plays bass and Sid Mayall on Drums
Punk Globe: Is this the original lineup with the band?
Edd: There’s only been one Pink Cigar, and you’re looking at it baby!
Punk Globe: Tell us how you came up with Pink Cigar for the band name?
Sam: Sid our drummer, came up with the name, then changed his mind when he got back from Ibiza realizing there was a transsexual bar with the same name, but that swung it for us.
Punk Globe: Who are the bands influences?
Edd: We’ve all got our different influences but we love anything that rocks bands like, Iggy & The Stooges, The Clash, New York Dolls, Aerosmith, Sex Pistols, real rock’n’roll anything that’s pure and from the soul.
Sam: Also Five’s early stuff before they sold out.
Punk Globe: Describe Pink Cigar in three words?
Sam: Thegreatestrocknrollbandyouveeverheardin Your Life!
Punk Globe: Who writes the lyrics and music for the band? Is it a group effort?
Edd: Sometimes it’s a bedroom masterpiece, sometimes a group effort, happens differently every time.
Punk Globe: Tell us about your recent release?
Edd: We recorded a four song EP at the famous Eastcote Studios, where Adele recorded her album (she stole all the best bits from us, still waiting for the cheque). We launch in Amy Winehouse's living room, at the infamous "Hawley Arms" at the end of last year.
Punk Globe: Tell us about your record release party?
Sam: It was amazing, you couldn’t move in there, overwhelming to see that many people turn out to watch us play,
Punk Globe: How have the reviews been?
Sam: The reviews have all been positive, stuck up on our Nan's fridge.
Punk Globe: Has Pink Cigar toured?
Sam: We did a few dates with 80’s matchbox B-line Disaster on tour, and we’re planning a tour of our own soon.
Punk Globe: What are your favorite venues to play?
Edd: Heroes was good while it lasted, Wembley Stadium got a bit boring, apart from that, the 12 bar, Underworld in Camden, Barfly, the St Moritz, Playhard at the Purple Turtle, and some others won’t list them all.
Punk Globe: Any bands that you enjoy playing with?
Edd: We’ve played with The Connectors quite a lot and they’re always exciting, there’s so much energy from them. Also Steve Dior is always great to watch, he’s written some amazing songs.
Punk Globe: Tell us about your favorite show you have played?
Edd: The Urban Bar in Whitechapel was probably my favorite so far, it was the first time we really had crowd surfing and people jumping off chairs, just upstairs in a pub, the owner wanted us to stop because he thought the ceiling might fall through.
Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses you would like to share with Punk Globe readers?
Sam: www.facebook.com/PinkCigar probably the best place to see upcoming gigs and hear about what kind of sandwich we’ve just eaten.
www.Myspace.com/1PinkCigar for all the old school cats
Our actual website is www.pinkcigarmusic.com and our twitter is www.twitter.com/WeArePinkCigar
Sam: Get the hard copies at gigs or Rough Trade west, or you can buy them as mp3’s from Amazon, or iTunes.
Punk Globe: If you could put together your dream show. Who else would be playing with you and where?
Pink Cigar, Jimi Hendrix and Elvis, sounds cheesy but don’t act like you wouldn’t buy a ticket, we’re headlining obviously.
Punk Globe: Tell us what 2012 has in store for Pink Cigar?
Sam: Single, and a video, some festivals, a tour, keep gigging and writing the hits.
Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
Edd: If you like rock ’n’ roll, want to see a good show with lots of energy and can’t afford a ticket for the Rolling Stones, come see us you won’t be disappointed.PINK CIGAR We can be found on the following sites Website www.pinkcigarmusic.com | Myspace www.myspace.com/1pinkcigar Soundcloud www.soundcloud.com/pinkcigar Twitter: @WeArePinkCigar | Facebook: facebook.com/PinkCigar IM Radio: http://www.imradio.com/main_index.php?f=artists_view&id=9597 Here's a Bootleg Clip of our last show: http://youtu.be/aqDAGkuFN14
Punk Globe would like to thank Pink Cigar and Dutch Michaels for the fab interview... Please remember check Pink Cigar out now... They will not disappoint you !!!!