July 2020


Let's Talk Punk
Philly G
Interview By: Lisa/PunkrPrincess

I have known Philly for a long time he had this band I love called D13 he now does some great interviews using his techniques from being a band leader in his business life and interviews he still writes however his songs seemed to have turned to poems and I wanted to share one with you along with a little interview thanks Philly you're awesome 

Punk Globe: Hi Philly how are ya? Can you give us a little background about yourself?

Philly G:  Hi PxGx, and thanks for reaching out. I am and have always been a writer. I am a punk rock hero in my own mind and in spirit and in music. Then there’s a bunch of business stuff I do. I will say though, that whether it’s law or acquiring companies or managing the ones I have now, I live every day with the same “punk rock gigging” sensibility that I have always had. Which is do not fuck people over, give your peeps a hand up and always come through with things you say you’ll do. Being a reliable  people-person, with a strong sense of knowing right from wrong carries a lot of water in life and business. People really respond well to dependable people because it’s really hard to find people like that. “Just fucking do what you say you are going to do! That’s it!” This is a lesson you learn very quickly being in a band… it’s a theme that plays throughout your whole life. Sorry for preachin’...

Punk Globe: How it is being a business owner during these challenging times.

Philly G: It’s stressful and can be anxiety-filled. I care way too much, but never about money. I care about letting people down whether it be my customers, employees or my family. Thankfully, I have a solid handle on my own world and a team that really makes some great decisions. I always look back to booking gigs and getting the word out about my band. It took so many business skills to push that cart up a hill. Determination, smarts and getting along with so many people made all the difference. Oh yeah, then there was the whole band thing, singing and writing and playing and fucking up. Performing was really like the pay-off for the work that went into everything else. I guess what I am saying is that if you are in a band and doing all the work for the band and feel totally unappreciated, don’t sweat it cuz you’ll win in the end, by a long shot! Making money is a by-product of hard work and determination. Uh, just like running a band! Oh well,  whatever (68), never-mind...

Punk Globe: Can you tell us about your new reporting project?

Philly G: I have a new NetShow / interview show called “Talk Talk with PhillyG” on YouTube. It’s on the Argentum Media page. I have basically taken my people skills and converted into an interview show with an eye towards creative professionals. I introduce actors, artists, musicians and other hard working people to my audience. This is in an effort to let the audience know my guest’s talents and how they are grinding it out in their career. I hope everyone can learn how interesting my guests are and also how damn hard they are working at their craft. Some actors live a charmed life as far as booking awesome acting roles, but they still have to perform in every sense of the word. That means show up, be professional, be reliable and deliver the goods even better than everyone expects. There is no mailing in or half assing any professional gig. So, I want the up-and-comers to see how much hard work goes into becoming successful. Just like anything else. BTW, I am a talk talker and doing interviews is a treat for me. I love meeting people and finding out awesome things about them. No one really cares about me, I want my guests to shine brightly!

Punk Globe: How long have you been writing music/poems? 

Philly G: I remember hitting my writing stride in high school. I used to write all kinds of stuff. I loved writing songs and stories. In my spanish class I think I had my 1st musical performance. I wrote my spanish essay about going to the beach and used a little Casio piano to play a melody and then sang the whole thing live for my class. My friend Jason was supposed to do it with me but he got stage fright and just kinda stood there. Good times! I used to DJ in the quad too with my bestie Stevie B, Technosonic Crew both in HS and in college in Santa Barbara. I still DJ for my son’s hockey team and made friends with a fellow punk dad named Steve Larson, drummer of the band “Insted”. Steve is a great photographer and takes pics at all the games. I still write all the time, songs, poems, social media shit and a lot of business related stuff. It’s a really useful skill.

Punk Globe: Will we see D-13 back anytime soon? 

Philly G: D-13 can be found on Whatever68 internet radio! There are no plans to get the band back together, but there is D13 music in my show and I always write new stuff. I guess my songs are now poems. Mostly politically motivated and always have a strong moral and spirit of justice. Fuck racism and negativity. Let’s help our scene out and give everyone a chance to do their thing! Living in a world with tons of friends is a much more interesting place than just hanging out with people just like yourself. Let’s jam...

Punk Globe: How can we find your reports/interviews?

Philly G: YouTube: Argentum Media page, “TalktalkPhillyg”   https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXtSsjDJZJQY4oYJhKq7dp1k9e37P4R9c

Punk Globe: Thanks for sharing your poem with us. Keep being amazing! and Thanks to all the readers.

Philly G:  Thank you to Punk Globe, you guys have kept it punk and real. You have supported the scene for longer than we all deserve. Lisa, the PunkrPrincess, is my hero and we’ve been ridin’ for a long time now. We may grow more vintage, but still punk til the end. There’s only one way out of this realm, punkizontaland 6 feet and two flyin’ middle fingers underground.

Quotes and poem by Philly G

I wrote a poem/song about the police and what is going down with all these cops killing minorities.
It's loosely based on the Ice Cube song "F Da Police"
I try to be empathetic to the cause but I can't truly know what it's like to live with a target on my back just for being black.
I wish I could do more, but I do what I can...

Fuck killer cops
Coming straight to every town
In our country there’s a crime
Being born brown
And all the other colors
Getting a pass
Nothing happen to the whites
Who commit petty theft
But, try selling “loosies”
In New York
Or being a suspect
Of a document that’s forged
And an aggravating factor
Is The color of your skin
Just cuz your brown
That’s capital punishment
Killer Cops on the street
Taking prisoners
They’re the law, the judge
And the executioners
It’s well past time
To put a stop to this shit
Put them thugs behind bars
Cuz that’s what they get
Fuck killer cops
I can’t breathe!
They have the authority
To kill a minority
Fuck killer cops
No justice, No peace!
They have the authority
To kill a minority
Fuck killer cops
say it with authority
Cuz everyone in our country
Came as a minority
they think the USA
Is their personal country club
They move about it
Like there’s no problems in the world
Well, that fairy tale ain’t true
Trump’s whistlin to the racists
Well, Fuck him too
Pantaleo choked Eric Garner
killed him from the behind
Dude is walking free
He didn’t serve any time
Now this other killer cop
snuffed George Floyd with his knee
Same result, same plea
“I can’t breathe”
The three pigs stood around
And watch the murder go down
Assist the crime with their badges
And ignoring the crowd
another tale In a saga
that goes on and on
There’s no freedom in a country
Where I gotta write this song…
Fuck killer cops
Oh no, not again!
They have the authority
To kill a minority
Fuck killer cops
It’s gotta end!
They have the authority
To kill a minority

PhillyG - PxSxFU

Music Free Life Radio – Stories at the Intersection of Music and Life