Perfect Union
Lois Dolan
I would like to think I have an eye for
talent.. I met Perfect Union on My Space and was very impressed by their
sincerity and ambition.. I adore these boys... Here is my interview with
them. I hope you enjoy it.

Lois Dolan
Punk Globe: Tell Me About Perfect Union?
We are a local band in Northern VA. We play Alternative/"Grunge" style
with a splash of Beatles/60's pop. We are a very young band (members are
15, 17, and 18) who love to rock out. We jam at our Drummer's (Tristan)
house 2-3 times a week, and love every second of it.
Punk Globe: How Long Has The Band Been Together?
We have been together not very long at all. Tristan and Matt have been
jamming together for a year or so; we played a show without a bassist.
Billy joined in the fall of 2004; that would make the band 7 months old
or so. Once we got together, everything clicked; hence the name, Perfect
Punk Globe: Tell The Readers a Little About The Members of Perfect
Matt - Guitarist/Vocalist/Songwriter. He's been playing guitar ever
since his bi-polar problem started. After this, he wrote songs and self
medicated himself with drugs. He originally started off playing guitar
left handed but switched to right handed. He plays multiple instruments
and enjoys the company of his angel-like girlfriend. Always enjoys
writing and playing with the group. . Tristan - Drummer. He is the
'wild-child' of the group. He spends his free time playing X-Box, going
to Starbucks with Matt, and hanging out with his girlfriend. He is the
'pretty boy' of the group. He used to be an emo/pop-punk boy before we
corrupted him. We feel honored to have him as a drummer; he's very, very
talented, as well as the rest, at what he does best...Drumming. Billy -
Bassist. He loves to funk it out while him and Tristan are waiting for
Matt. He’s a hard worker for Ruby Tuesday's. In the earlier days (every
year before this one) he was a rebellious, drug-using teenager. He
spends most of his free time either hanging out with his girlfriend,
friends, or playing a spiffy game call Final Fantasy 11 (such a nerd).
He's the 'controlled' person of the group, and will most likely manage
the band; he’s a business man :-p
Punk Globe: Who Are Your Musical Influences?
The biggest influence should be apparent; Nirvana. Another big influence
would be the 1960's pop legend, The Beatles. This mostly influences the
music, and some lyrics. Other lyrical influences would be The Cure, The
Replacements, and Elliot Smith.
Punk Globe: How Many Shows Has Perfect Union Played?
Since we haven't been around that long, we haven't played too many
shows. To date, we've played live 4 times, and loved every time. We've
played at one nationally known venue, Nation. The rest were local shows,
and very small venues.
Punk Globe: Tell Me About Your Favorite Show You Have Played?
My (Billy) personal favorite was at Nation. It was our first show
together, and we were all excited. We started off well, besides me being
a little out of tune. On, I think, our 3 song, I busted my A (3rd)
string; a very crucial string, not as crucial as the E (4th) string
though. We finished out the song we were playing, and then started to
play another one when our friends band's (Kill the Car) bassist lent me
his bass; great recovery. All in all we had a bad ass time, besides
being there from 9AM till 3PM, when we actually went on.
My (Matt), favorite show is also nation. It was a really cool venue and
I liked how smoky it was. I could just sit and have a cigarette right
indoors after the set. Also great lighting.
My (Tristan) favorite was also Nation. The other two basically summed it
Punk Globe: Does Perfect Union Have Any Recordings Out?
Yes. We have a single of our song Shade of Orange. It is a up-beat song
about trying to help a friend that is struggling with problems; it was
written while on drugs. We will have a full-length LP out shortly. We
are going into the studio May 14th, and the album should be out shortly
there after.
Punk Globe: What Label Is It On?
No label. Everything is paid for out of out pockets. We are trying to
get a label; it would make things much easier. We would like to get
signed on either Interscope or Kill Rockstars, but would basically take
anything at this point if it’s a good deal. *wink wink, hint hint*
Punk Globe: Any Plans For Future Recording and Touring?
As I've said before, we will be going into the studio on May 14th to cut
an album. We definitely want to start
touring; first around the local
tri-state, Metro-DC area, then eventually the East Coast and further
west. 2 of the 3 members are still in High School, so at this point
touring far isn't even an option.
Punk Globe: Any Last Comments?
If you've never heard of us, you should check us out. If you live far
away, you can go to or
Either one has songs and info about us. And I just wanted to say thank
you for this interview. Matt is especially appreciative of what Lois has
done for us. She's a sweet lady in a shady business. Good luck to this
magazine and keep in touch with us.