The Oregon Donor, are a band from Anacortes, Washington. They are your typical fun indie rockers. With Built To Spill-ish melodies I find myself both nostalgic and impressed. Some might say they don't have their own sound, I can see that but at the same time, what they do on this album should make up for ANY comparisons.
This is a band that I would love to see live, full of energy and emotional vocals the album "Somethings" take you through power pop,pure indie and pop punk all in one song. I would describe this album as a "cleaner" Modest Mouse, defiantly established and not sloppy. I really liked the 2nd song on the album "Autumn Anthem" I liked the lyrics and the indie sounding vocals and most of all the catchy tune yet its melodic at the same time. A definite shoegazer tint. in a dream pop wonderland. The Oregon Donor is here.
The Oregon Donor
Kim Acrylic
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