A Special Thanks From Carol Wagener
Olga de Volga's Sister
Dear Ginger,
been wanting to contact you for some time, but I've been kept pretty
busy since Olgy Sue closed her eyes. Right off the bat our
became very ill and I feared she was going to follow her oldest
daughter! Susie's death has really taken a toll on mom; she
is now
physically better, but her mind and spirit may never
recover. I tried
the phone number that Olga had in her big black book for you, but it
was no longer a working number. I want to thank you for the
you published in your May issue of the Punk Globe. I
information to all family members and many friends. Your
tribute meant
a great deal to me . . . words can not even begin to express my
emotions. Thank you so much.

worked pretty hard on the memorial service that was held for her
in Hilo and that kept me very busy. A couple of women sent me
from that. The table they set up at the front of the church
8 photo boards I made; her ashes in a bag I sewed, placed inside this
cool, Japanese- looking organic basket; flowers, ferns, shells and
glass Olga had collected; and all on a table cover I also
sewed. I
think she approved of it. In one of the photos from the
service, this
huge, white...halo like thing appears in the center of the church, over
the folks in the pews...the woman who took the photo thinks it is Olga
and I agree. Her dear "soul sista Suzanne" (they realized
upon meeting
for the first time that they both were wearing the same dolphin ring!)
will take her ashes up to Volcano and scatter them in the tube where
Olgy-Sue has laid to rest the bodies of her cat-children who preceded
her in death. Suzanne will be doing that on Olgy's birthday,
May 19.
Right now her ashes are hanging out with Suzanne, who just moved to a
cottage sitting on two acres; I'm sure Olga is loving that!
me know if you would like to see photos from the service and I will
send them along.
attaching the obit I ran in the Hilo paper. I actually wanted
to run a longer one in the SF
Chronicle. . .and I wanted to put it in
both SF papers, but the SF
Chronicle was verrrrrrrry expensive, so I
just had to go with what I could afford. And, I'm attaching
some older
photos of Olgy....when she was only Susan, and some when she added Olga
to the mix that I thought you might like to see. The first
one is
about age 18, then 25 or so, then two you probably recognize, and the
last one I think she was in her late 40s...possibly early 50s?
was reading through old letters from Olga one night. I was
blanking on
the name of one of her surviving cats, and I wanted to list that in the
obit I ran in the Hilo papers. I knew I had a letter or two
the cat, so that is why I was going through my letters. In
doing that,
I ran across an old letter where she was apologizing to me for being
such a butt. It was after our brother had been killed, and
after I had
spent 6 weeks in Oklahoma City getting our nephew through outpatient
rehab to save his right leg. (He was driving the motorcycle
the day of
the accident that killed our brother.) Anyway, things in OK
didn't go too well with the nephew and I wound up taking him back down
to Durant, OK, instead of bringing him back to Seattle before sending
him on to HI to spend the summer with his auntie Olga, which was the
orginal plan. I was feeling pretty rotten about the whole
suicidal in fact and wound up in therapy, etc. During
time, Olga
and I had gotten in to it over the phone regarding the whole Oklahoma
thing...which of course just made things even worse. In her
letter of apololgy to me, she said "my good friend Ginger Coyote made
realize what an ass I have been"....
then she went on a bit and told me how you had "set her
straight"....and she was very grateful to you of course. Well,
like to thank you for that TOO. You really helped Olgy and I
things up : - ) You are a good friend...only a really good
friend will
let you know when you're being an ass...and of course we all are like
that from time to time.
you again for being such a good friend to my big sista,
Olgy-Sue. I loved her so very much. She and I were most
connected on a psychic level....I always knew when she was in danger or
pain....I could feel it....and now I feel so very strange without her
presence in this world. It's so different from when my dad
and brother
died. I guess because she and I shablack so much in our early
years that
I was more connected to her in ways I was not to Dad and
Glenn. The
last couple of years of her life were so hard and I shed so many tears
over her and with her, that I thought I was ready for her
death. I am happy that
she is no longer suffering...but I realize now that I was not ready
because it is impossible to imagine the pain of
the actual loss.
Nui Loa,
to Olga
de Volga obituary