I went down the PO Box to pick this
album up today. When I opened the package the first thing I saw was
an autographed pair of pink panties. Top marks for that one! On
arriving home I´ve now played the album twice and to be honest my
only complaint about it is there should have been more tracks
recorded! The sound generated by the band is Commercial Rock in a
simple form but with sooooooo much passion thrown in. On some of the
tracks there´s some Blues thrown in for good measure too! The vocals
from Nicola are unreal - She has a brilliant voice. Why this woman
isn´t splattered all over magazines, radio and television is nothing
short of criminal. Nicola has amazing vocal range and I really do
feel honoured to be reviewing this album. Just listen to ´Bitch´, ´What´s
The Point´ and ´Message´and tell me this woman isn´t a star in the
making. If I´d have had this album sooner this would´ve been in my
top 10 for 2005. Buy this album - It´s brilliant! (Hot Cherry) 10/10