Song List
Ted McGinley
Anything For A Buck
You Got To Go
Theme From JFC
Bi Polar Bear
Rock Star
Mr Plow -- aww ,did he go off and
name himself Mr. Plow after one of "The Simpsons" 400 (and
counting) greatest episodes ever?!?
With this his fourth CD, "Chairman
Plow's Little Red Book," the name but not the title or the
honorific remains the same.
All told are 14 songs. Carrying on
the (Mojo) Nixonesque entente with China --the Chinese in the
Vancouver area -- or maybe plates of Chinese food in his homeland
area is all I can gather what the title means, if anything. He seems
more of a meeowist than a Maoist. A really cool pussycat mongrel on
the prowl.
The song are composed tightly, I
mean the lines end and the next ones come. Not in your hand or
mouth, silly. He is clever in his wordplay and good musically.
Sometimes he's rude, sometimes
crude. MSN starts the album on a bittersweet foot or mouse pad.
That's the cat at play. "Emo" is another rant. So is "1-900. . ."
I don't think Ted McGinley might not take kindly to the specific
vitriol Plow is spewing against him. However, if you take
his stuff seriously, you, and he, may have a problem.
Take Christ, the topic of one of
the songs. Fortunately, Jesus "Effing" Christ returns, just a
regular jalone this time, so what does the Trinity turn into? Is
that a broken off swastika dildo or is it a crucifix? Joker that
he is, he lets our minds wander.
Yeah so what if sometimes he's
rude, sometimes crude. He's right
about the emo histrionics, whether it's applied with black
eyeliner or color pixels,