Interview By: Steven Jones
On heavy rotation for me right now in my car, on my ipod and in my head: Take It Off by Miss Guy, a slice of erotic, stripped down electro. It's an ear worm, indelible once heard. Guy's moody and ambiguous vocal teasing and provoking. But this guy's much more than a rock star. He's a style icon, a renowned DJ, a muse, a force of nature and, along with Donna D, we've collaborated on a new song called Purify. So this seems like a perfect time to go beyond Miss Guy's punk glamor and shed a little shimmer on the man behind the flawless face. To paraphrase, fuckers wanna fuck with me, I just wanna fuck with Miss Guy.
Punk Globe:
Give us a snapshot of your childhood in Southern California. What forces and influences that acted upon you to shape the person you've become?
A snapshot would be of me skateboarding in the sun, holding a copy of KISS ALIVE in my hand, on my way to my friend's house to listen to our favorite record and of course playing air guitar! I was always Ace! We would pretend to be KISS in front of the mirror. This was when I was very young. We saw KISS in concert, that was my first concert and it changed my life. I was a typical 70s kid growing up in Southern California but watching Cher on TV and listening to Elton John and seeing KISS in concert put me on a different path. I wanted to be glamorous like they were. Fast forward a few years later, I saw Blondie in concert then a few years later saw Culture Club and that was it! I knew for certain what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. I couldn't wait to get out of high school and get the hell out of the town I grew up in.
Punk Globe:
Tell us about your love of music, about the first tracks that really moved you. What was the soundtrack of your early life?
I remember being about 3 or 4 years old and hearing 'It's Only Rock & Roll But I Like It' on the radio and loving it. 'Bennie And The Jets' by Elton John and 'Fame' by David Bowie were also early favorites. Then I discovered KISS thanks to my older siblings. Then one of my brothers came home one day with Parallel Lines by Blondie, a Ramones record, the first B-52s record and the first DEVO record and I completely lost my mind! That was probably 1979. I was completely obsessed.
Punk Globe:
What drew you to NY? Was the city always magnetic to you? Tell us about your early days in New York
Well, I was planning on moving to Los Angeles after high school but when I was 17, me and my best friend went to a party in LA and met Malcolm McClaren and he told us we should move to New York, that people would love us because of the way we dressed. So we had a few more months of school and after we graduated we came to New York. I instantly fell in love with the city and knew I'd never leave. The early days were incredibly fun.
Punk Globe:
You were a key figure in the NY music scene of the 90s. Describe for us the vibe of that scene. How did it compare the NY music scene of the 70s?
It was a fun time in the 90s. I was making money as a DJ and formed my dream band and living my dream. I don't know how it compared to the 70s scene because I was a child living at home in the 70s! Haha! But my friends that were a part of the scene in the 70s said SqueezeBox, the party I DJed in the 90s and early 2000s, was a lot like the 70s Max's/CB's scene which of course was the best compliment EVER!!!
Punk Globe:
Are you a born performer? Did you always dream of the bright lights? How do you feel when you're on stage and the audience is going crazy?
I don't know if I'm a born performer considering how painfully shy I was a kid but I knew I wanted to be on stage somehow. I definitely dreamt of bright lights! I think I became a good performer and my guitarist in Toilet Boys, Sean Pierce, really helped bring me out of my shell as a performer and together we were great on stage. I love being on stage and love a good connection with the audience. It's my favorite part of being a musician.
Punk Globe:
Why were The Toilet Boys called The Toilet Boys? How did the band come together?
There's a "Confessions Of A Dumb Blonde" on Youtube where I explain it. The name was an accident really. And in fact, we came together by accident too. I asked a few musician friends to do a one off show with me and the response was so good that we got all these gigs and then we decided to get serious.
Here is Part 1 Of Confessions Of A Dumb Blonde

Punk Globe:
Describe your stage persona. How did you evolve your image?
Miss Guy is a rock 'n' roll whore. I wanted to create a campy, trashy character to vamp it up on stage with a hot rock band. I think I succeeded! Haha! It sort of evolved over the course of a few years I think. But it was brewing in my head since I was 7 years old probably.
Punk Globe:
Squeezebox. How did it come about? Define its spirit. Give us three Squeezebox secrets that you've never told anyone before. Confide.
A few of us wanted a fun party with cool music and a mixed crowd and Don Hill wanted us to do something at his new venue, so we started SqueezeBox. It got off to great start and went for about 7 or 8 years. It was definitely the best party I've ever been involved in. If I wasn't the DJ, I would've been hanging out there every Friday. I was lucky to get paid to be at the coolest party! The spirit was rock 'n' roll freedom where anything was possible. It was an "anything goes" vibe with no rules whatsoever! I loved when there were no rules at clubs in New York. Now it's nothing BUT rules with the exception of a few parties and venues. I can't tell you any secrets because I don't kiss and tell! But I will tell you that the number of secrets is endless.
Punk Globe:
Mark Spitz described you as 'a pioneer in the DJ world'. Were you always a cultural pioneer and an expert at making people dance?
I love Mark! He's always been very supportive. I don't know if I've always been a cultural pioneer, I've never thought about it and don't like to concern myself with that. It's for other people to decide, not me. I knew I had pretty good taste in music and a wide knowledge of music and the fact that people danced to what I was playing was just luck and timing and a bit of skill I suppose. I've learned to become a crowd pleaser. I know what works usually and I know what to do when something doesn't work. I love music and I think that's what's kept me going for almost 20 years as a DJ.
Punk Globe:
You've made a big impact in NY as a DJ. What's the secret to an unforgettable party? Do you plan your perfect playlists or go intuitive with the tracks?
Good music, good people and good booze usually make for a good party. I don't have any agenda when I go to a gig unless it's a corporate gig and they've asked for certain songs or genres. I like to play what I love when I can.
Punk Globe:
Rumour has it that you're collector of rare albums. What's in your collection? What's the allure of rare music? Who does the definitive version of 'Shakin' All Over', Mae West or Donna Destri?
I love Mae's rock records. I think she did two and I have both of them. I haven't heard Donna's version but I'm going to do so. I had about 3,000 records but got rid of them all about 10 years ago with the exception of about 100 or 150 of my favorites and some rare ones. I have the first Guns 'N Roses record with the Robert Williams artwork that got banned.
Punk Globe:
Ok, lets talk make-up. In an emergency, could you create a perfect smoky eye with just two make-up products? Which products?
Yeah, I could do a good eye with a black pencil and a dark eyeshadow. I like NARS and MAC. Mascara is very important too.
Punk Globe:
Who exemplifies pure glamor for you?
Diana Ross.
Punk Globe:
Who or what inspired you to make music? Which rock stars have made the biggest impact on your psyche?
I think I already answered that but I'd say Cher, Elton John, Bowie, KISS, Blondie and Culture Club. Pretty much in that order. And it was Debbie Harry and Boy George who most inspired me the most in the make up department.
Punk Globe:
Give us the dish on the legendary Don Hill.
He was the nicest person in the business. A great sense of humor, and he loved the ladies! I miss him. And I think of him a lot. I never realized how important he was to me until he was gone. I always thought he was great but his death really made me sad. He was kind of like a dad to me in some ways. I met him when I was 18 or 19 and he was always kind to me.
Punk Globe:
We've just collaborated on a track together, Purify. What was it like recording with Donna Destri?
It was fun! She's gorgeous and told me some funny stories. The studio was great! I'm excited to be a part of such a cool project, so thank you Steven.
Punk Globe:
You co-wrote and sang on Deborah Harry's track 'Charm Alarm'. What does it take to make your 'Charm Alarm' ring?.
Oh, it changes from day to day.
Punk Globe:
What can we expect from Miss Guy in the coming months?
I'm planning a new release for the summer, more videos and a few shows. Maybe even some Toilet Boys shows. And DJing pretty much non-stop.
Punk Globe:
What's your message to planet?
Be yourself and enjoy life.
Punk Globe:
Any links you'd like to share?
Facebook is
Twitter is @therealmissguy
Youtube is missguynyc
Instagram is missguynyc
I'm on Vine as of recently.
And you can find everything else you need to know at
Punk Globe:
Thanks so much for talking to Punk Globe! Ginger says a really big hello!
It was my pleasure! And kisses to Ginger! xoxo
Punk Globe would like to thank Miss Guy and Steven Jones for the fun and very informative interview.. You both RULE !!!!!!!