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Megaton Hammer a heavy rock trio from Toledo Ohio /Monroe Michigan is easily one of the most over looked bands in the rust-belt. Their new EP I Am Error should go a long way in changed that. Live they are no frills,no poses and about as solid as can be. Intense ,intent and focused...mid to slow tempo heavy like mid 90's Corrosion of Conformity, less depraved Melvins, and early pre hysteria grunge.Aaron Stoddard who plays bass but takes care of lead vox does not have an an over ambitious vocals range but he works very well with what he has and wont leave you wondering if there is more. His bass playing serves as the swagging hips that work with the steel framed drumming that Allen Hasty provides. Rob D'Arpini on the guitar is the bands nuclear weapon aggressive with out being flashy and over bearing. Prime rib axe riffs in a sea of double cheeseburgers.Highest quality recording too with cutting any meat off the bones either. 4 songs on this EP, Bleed, Break You, Supernova, and Out The Door/Burn In Hell.. I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite all four songs are a blistering testament that at least in the rust-belt of America great heavy rock is still alive and well. Get you hands on the CD or check out the band here: http://www.facebook.com/Megaton.Hammer1 |