Article by Diane Trautweiler
Diane has been wasting her talents writing music reviews for Amazon.
com so I said to her, "Why not give me something on Mary Magdalen to
put in Punk Globe?". This little singer has seen hell and
back and uses her sorrow to power the humongous voice barreling out of
the little body that is Mary Magdalen. Hope you enjoy this
piece, here ya go as Diane wrote it:

If you haven't heard of Mary Magadalan, then it's only a matter of time
before you're made aware. Unbeknownst to me until recently, Social
Networking Websites (in this case, Myspace) have a very active
underground music vibe. A plethora of these artists are either unsigned
or on an indie label. For a music lover such as myself, this is akin to
a chocolate lover having power over tasting all the chocolate that is
made in a chocolate factory.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Myspace, you have to either
get a request to be on a "Friend" list, or make such a request. I
received such a request from Mary herself, and added her to the many
other bands who had been hitting me up to listen to their music or band.
When you first see Mary, you might feel the urge to run as far as you
can. I equate her to that book that has the ominous cover. You're
afraid to open the book, but if you don't, you might miss the really
thought-provoking or entertaining story that just might be contained
Mary Magadalan consists of Mary, Gzus and Eric B. Mary herself looks
like a punk-rocker, metal-banger's dream. She's a delicate-looking
thing in stature, but with her multi-colored hair, facial piercings,
haunting aqua-blue eyes, funky make-up, and rock-chic garb, she
commands your attention.
Once you get past the "look", the next thing to contend with is that
"voice" This girl has such intensely raw emotion coming from her vocal
cords; it bypasses your ears and hits you in the gut. The sound of the
band itself is something unique that I find myself floundering to
describe or put a label to. Words sometimes make one fill inadequate in
providing a description, but I will try my best. I would say this sound
comprises of rock at its most raw, a little punk, a little bit of
trippy hip-hop, and evocative melodies.
"Pity Girl" is a chaotic trip ride consisting of 13 chapters of
concentrated, bare-bones emotion, rub-salt-in-the-wound pain, and
unshakable strength and determination. The album, which was put
together and recorded by the band alone, without a stifling big-wig
record label or controlling producer, is guts served on a platter for
human consumption. There is no such thing as a "filler" song on this
piece of work. Every song is strong and one runs into the other,
telling a story like a movie. The movie is starring a very hurt,
scared, and searching soul who chased her dragons and danced with the
devil. Drugs and darkness are the central themes, catering to the
feelings of hurt and betrayal as a result of growing up with death,
addiction, lack of love, lies and pain.
You would think, with all of this macabre subject matter hitting you
over the head it would get you really down, but it appears to have the
opposite affect on me. I compare Pity Girl to an exorcism – I feel
This is an album that paints the most graphic picture of the drug world
that I have ever heard. The drug use is two-fold – the person who, as a
little girl, grew up with a mother who was a heroin addict and the girl
who grew up to use drugs as a pacifier for her demons. There is the
pain of growing up with addiction around you, and then, due to life
circumstances, continuing the cycle of addiction by becoming the
addicted. You see, this isn't glorification of drugs that is portrayed
here like so many other "rock stars" have done in the past. Such an
excruciating picture is painted that I would be scared shitless to ever
travel down a road similar to the one that is being presented to me.
You don't have to be an addict, nor do you have to be the person who
has an addict in their life; you just have to be affected by pain to
get the gist here.
This band isn't for the faint-of-heart. This is for those of us who
like a helping of balls with our coffee in the morning. This grabs you
by the throat and leaves you gasping for air. Yet, it keeps you going
back for more. Admitting the latter makes it painfully obvious that
"Junkie", whether in a literal sense or not, is a good word for the
Mary Magadalan fan and follower.
Marvelous Mary has "it". She has that extra something. She makes you
want to hug her and cheer her on at the same time. She went through her
proverbial hell to end up writing an album about it with a kick-ass
band. It's only a matter of time before civilization beyond Myspace
discovers this gem.
Written by: Diane Trautweiler on 7/13/08.
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