Interview With
by Steve DIY
I came across
Lucifera when surfing the net and checked out her site which was
well cool. I'd also seen her on other sites and being as she has
some cool things to say and being well fucking hot it was time for
an interview. Here's what she had to say:
Globe: First off What can you introduce to the world of Rock N
Hopefully dark, inovocative
& mysterious artwork to grace the covers of brutal and extreme
metal acts worldwide.
Punk Globe:
What inspired you to be come an alternative model in the first
I have always been a
fan of art and photography - I'd look at a certain piece with
such admiration I'd wish it was of me or that I had created it in
some small way, a natural feeling I supose but it was never
something I thought I could actually do. You look in magazines
like Vogue and it's abundantly clear that "goth" is not in. But
within the metal scene something I have long been passionate
about was the constant CD covers, posters and Videos containing "alternative"models
and this was something I wanted to pursue. I started by modelling
for a couple of digital artists, their main style was that of
gruesome death and fantasy
art something I am a big fan of and one of them I still work with
even to this day
After a while I started looking around for other photographers to
work with and started taking it a little more seriously which I
guess brings us up to date.
Punk Globe:
Have you any favourite photographers you like to work
so many but where to begin? I've been a fan of Chad Micheal Ward
for a number of years - I have dreamt about working
with him for long long time and will endeaver to do so, I've
always felt that sheer determination is worth buckets and if you
are serious and relentless then you shall suceed. There are other
photographers though, Dove in Sweden - We've both agreed to
work together at some point it's just a matter of time, I love
strong contrasts though - the work of Emma Delves Broughton or my
all time favourite artist Luis Royo would be a dream come true.
Punk Globe:
At what age was your first full frontal nudity shot?
This is a
tricky one. I've never really done full frontal nude, to me a
naked girl standing
lacks any artistic merit at all. I do however do nude work and
have done since I was 21...
Globe: How do you feel about doing full nude photography? Have
you any limits to how far you go?
Hmm well it all
depends of the photographer and the images they produce, with
the right photographer whom I trust then I always say there is
no limit really, although saying this there is no way on earth
I'll ever do porn. As long as it has something I can feel
pride in then my name is down.
Globe: I thought the blood/gore photos of you were well cool
but how easy is all that fake blood to wash off?
Thanks, LOL oh
such fun and games, Gore is my favourite style of modelling,
it's what I hope to gain a reputation for. The first gore
shoot I did was my blood bath shots with Andy Dendy,
sittling in a bath tub for near on 5 hours, I was freezing
cold and was pink for a wee too - but as i have gotten used
to it I have learnt how to deal with it.
Globe: What have been your best moments so far in your
Mostly the
music related work I have done - the crucifixion shoot I
did for Thus Defiled with Charles from Inlocodeus was a
definate high point for me and some awsome stuff has
followed that, I've now been drawn by the artist Christian
Sloane a few times, one was used for the Danzig tour
poster and theo ther one might be used for something
special too but I can't say too much about that just yet.
I've just done some work with Abgott too - another Black
Metal band - so all this to me means a hell of alot more
than appearing in some magazine...
Globe: Any tips for young women wanting to venture in to
alternative modelling?
Always be
careful, do some research and never be talked into
anything you don't want to do.
Punk Globe: So apart from modelling what else do you
do with your time?
I do
photography, Fetish, pin up and gore with other
alternative models, I also work with bands,
photographing them live or for promotional shoots,
Digital art for CD covers - so far I have done the
Desolation CD c over
titled the Stone Oricle which I am very proud of.
Punk Globe: I know you love music too so any bands
you're listening to at the moment that you'd like to
always! well Thus Defiled, Abgott, Desolation - Hey
I don't work with bands I can't appreciate. W.A.S.P.
, Doro/Warlock my all time favourites. Nile,
Gorgoroth, Katatonia, My Dying Bride, Mortician,
Slayer & Octavia - god the list could go on for
Punk Globe: If you were outdoors in public
modelling nude and a police officer approached you
regards your state of undress what would be your
first words to him/her?
you hand me my clothes please Officer...
Not if
I'm there - I'd hide them :-)
Punk Globe: You say on your profile you're
in to pushing your boundaries so how far would you
like to push them?
don't have a list of things I want to do as such
but some of the things I have done so far have
been my idea but it's also what the photographer
asks me - I always say if you have a good idea run
it by me - what's the worst I can say? but if it's
going to be inspired and alittle bit shocking then
it's probably right up my street...
Punk Globe: You're a very pretty woman
so I presume you have to fight off people
wanting a date so what are the best ways for my
readers to approach you?
Ha I do get interesting emails yeah - not all
are asking for a date though LOL, People I can
admire, Honest, to the point no bullshit say
what they mean.
There you go readers - don't say I don't
find out these things for you :-)
Punk Globe: Anything you'd like to
Only to plug a few cool sites and to say
thanks so much for thinking of me - was fun.
Thanks to Lucifera for being so cool and
getting this interview to me so quick. As you
can see it's been pretty good fun and I hope
you check her out. Hopefully we'll head in to
London for a beer with Lucifera very soon.
Copyrights: Inlocodeus/Andy Dendy/Christian
Sloan/PWP Images.
contact Lucifera at her site for permission
for further use of images used on Punk Globe.
Thanks to all photographers for use of these