In Le Panique's conception, Devin Ozel decided he was on the outs with mediocre melodies and slow drum beats, he took to writing
a handful of bass driven dance-punk songs. In the midst of auditioning a small army of drummers and a revolving door of singers,
Devin found his musical crush with Marlene Melendez behind the drums. After a brief stint with a previous singer, the search for
the perfect vocalist was on. They found a sweet surprise with James Parrish. The threesome was complete. Ah, love at last!
Le Panique presents their brand new EP, “Saturday Matinee”. Fueled by James’ harmonious vocals and witty lyrics, their music is perfectly completed with the sound of Marlene’s echoing beats and Devin’s distorted melodies. “Saturday Matinee” was digitally released on November 1, 2011.
http://www.facebook.com/lepaniquesf |