Today Marks what would
have been the fortieth Birthday of Kurt Cobain. Kurt may have made
some Naive choices in his youth, but I also felt he was beyond his
years, and many of his peers that surrounded him. Kurt survived the
meat head jocks that called anyone with an artistic creative side
"fag" He was picked on by his schoolmates, his town and even battled
being raised by a stepfather that didn't understand him.
From all the poverty, cold weather, peer pressure, and alienation
Kurt found a wonderful outlet in Music with such great influences as
The Beatles, Black Sabbath, The Bay City Rollers, The Knack, and
personal influence in friends like The Primitives, The Breeders, and
He channeled his creativity with those influences, but adding his
own unique and unpredictable style of soft to loud, refreshing
lyrics, among other things. The Band was a refreshing welcome.
Kurt wasn't afraid to flash and innocent smile and be childlike
wearing a pacifier around his neck, or dying his hair with pink
streaks singing the lines "grandma take me home" While other grunge
bands posed sneering at the camera, Kurt wasn't afraid to flash a
joyously happy smile.
The Press classified him into the pile of Other "Grunge Bands" but I
don't think he could just be classified as that. He had
Melody,poetry, and his own special style that couldn't be
I went through my own process of emotions at the time of his Death
in April 1994 of his so-called "Suicide"-going beyond that read
"Love&Death" if you want a second opinion. I am no conspiracy freak
, through this book is a fast read and reveals some startling facts.
I wonder if he would have in fact carried out what we heard of his
plans to move to New York become a painter, and write Folk music.
He certainly left his mark before leaving us, and I felt was wiser
than his years. Aside from his music and Jesus like good looks with
hair so golden. I must agree with Courtney Love, that he had the
innocence of "Winnie the Pooh", a smile that radiated childlike
innocence and sweetness. He had the strength to be vulnerable,
something a lot of rockers don't get, and he also knew how to rip
through his rage with a voice that tore into your soul, but that's
just my opinion.
I wanted to leave this blog open for anyone anywhere to express
their memories, impressions or feelings about Kurt. So please feel
free to do so!
I hope Kurt reached his own "Nirvana" I obviously loved a lot of
things about him, and he is genuinely missed.
Goodbye again Kurt...continue to rest in peace, you are not