Interview With
of The Kings Royal
By Kim Acrylic
Greetings Dave,Thanks so much for your time.
Yes, hello, my pleasure.
So I have to get this out of the way.
Punk Globe: Everyone knows you were in Pearl Jam. How was that experience?
Dave Krusen: It was a great experience. I felt from the beginning of that band that it was something special.
Punk Globe: Why did you leave?
Dave Krusen: They
had to let me go. I couldn't stop drinking, and it was causing
problems. They gave me many chances, but I couldn't get it together.
Punk Globe: How is the experience different from being in your new band?
Dave Krusen: Back
then, I was there from the beginning, so we shaped the sound together.
In this band, I came in after they recorded about 30 songs, so i had to
adapt to their sound. Fortunately, that was easy and enjoyable. We're
going to record next week so I'm very excited about that. It will sound
completely different, yet it will fit in nicely with the tunes they
have already.

Punk Globe: If you could describe The Kings Royal in one word what would it be?
Dave Krusen: Eclectic.
Punk Globe: How did you all meet?
Dave Krusen: I
met Adam Kury (the bassist) while I was tracking drums on the latest
Candlebox record. He plays in that band also. I'm not in that band, it
was just a session. so, when The Kings Royal needed a drummer to tour
2008 summer, they called, and it seemed like a good fit.
Punk Globe: How many bands have you actually been in since Pearl Jam?
Dave Krusen: Too many to count.
Punk Globe: Has being in such a famous band helped you in your other music endeavors?
Dave Krusen: Definitely
Punk Globe: How did the name The Kings Royal come about?
Dave Krusen: I think Benny is a Kansas City Royals fan. Bless his heart.
Punk Globe: What has been the most challenging part of this whole process for you?
Dave Krusen: Driving out to Lancaster to rehearse once.
Punk Globe: What was your worst stage experience?
Dave Krusen: Landing in a pile of my drums and breaking my finger. Actually, there may have been worse..
Punk Globe: If you could pick a bunch of people to form the ultimate "dream band" who would they be?
Dave Krusen: Neil Young, Duck Dunn, Keith Richards, Gregg Allman.
Punk Globe: Any regrets with either being in or not being in Pearl Jam?
Dave Krusen: Just
the NOT side. That was the band i wanted for myself from the time I was
a kid, so yeah that would have been great if I could have kept it

Punk Globe: Best experience in TKR?
Dave Krusen: Writing
new songs. I think Benny is a very talented songwriter. He's just
written a great song, and I can't wait to record it. I think we have
some pretty good musical chemistry, so it'll be cool to see what
Punk Globe: How much of your personal self is reflected in your writing and or performances?
Dave Krusen: TOTAL. I can't help it. That's why I don't fit in with a lot of situations. It's been a blessing and a curse.
Punk Globe: What bands have inspired you the most?
Dave Krusen: The
Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Velvet
Underground, The Ramones, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The
Police, Neil Young, Bob Marley, Bad Company, Aerosmith, The Guess Who,
James Brown, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Elvis, The Beach Boys, Black Sabbath,
E.L.O., to name a few, as they say.
Punk Globe: Whats your LEAST favorite music?
Dave Krusen: Any
contrived bullshit. Some things that pass for "bands" or "artists" I
can't understand. And people eat it up. I'm glad I'm not of that club.
Punk Globe: Whats your biggest goal for TKR in 2009?
Dave Krusen: You
know, #1 record, world tour..stuff like that. Actually I'm playing
music I like, with people I like, so more of that'd be awesome.
Punk Globe: What would you tell kids who are just starting out in a band?
Dave Krusen: If you're willing to put in the time and work hard, you can do anything, with music. It has literally saved my life.
Punk Globe: As a band what has been your most humbling moment?
Dave Krusen: I've played with so many amazing musicians, it's very humbling every time.
Punk Globe: What makes you sad?
Dave Krusen: Whoa. When I'm late for things.
Punk Globe: Best fan experience?
Dave Krusen: Getting
to be the assistant Recording Engineer to my friend Nate Kunkel, for 2
Police shows. One of which was Dodger Stadium. All I wanted was a

Punk Globe: How did the Election effect you this year(2008)?
Dave Krusen: Relief. Excitement. Vindication. I don't understand the Republican party. They scare the shit out of me. Seriously.
Punk Globe: Did you vote?
Dave Krusen: Hell Yes!
Punk Globe: Anything weird,funny or deep you want to say to me or Punk Globe magazine?
Dave Krusen: I'm
watching The View right this very moment. I wanna see one of them punch
that Hassleback right in the face. just kidding. I think people who
vote republican should take the middle of the country, and us normal
people will take the coasts. It's pretty much that way anyhow.
Punk Globe: Well Mr. Krusen, thanks so much for your time. It's been fun.

The Kings Royal