and expressed
by Miss
April 2009

Miss O has been an avid lover of female-fronted bands since gawd knows
when! I remember hearing Joan Jett for the first time! I bought "We Got
the Beat" in Safeway at the record bins! Yes Safeway had record bins!
Blondie stole my soul from the
"Endless Love" soundtrack!
My first glance at "Decline. . ." (directed by Penelope Spheeris,
female), introducing me into the world of female- fronted Phenomenon's
Alice Bag and Exene! Along with Penelope Houston, Lorna Doom, Ginger
Coyote, Red Scare (LA) oops! I just realized naming my mentors into
womanhood would be an entire column in itself, but you get the
idea? They validated my youth-minded path that this was the route I'd
like to live and be empowered by!
They encouraged, influenced and drove
me to strengthen me
as an adult, mother and artist!
At the end of the 80's, which happened to coincide with the end of Miss
O's teen years, my generation of females created the Riot Grrrl
revolution and the SF queer punk scene! I feel those times were so
important of who I am today! Being a mere 19 and watching
Breedlove perform topless, the raw energy of Leslie Mah,
Ana Joy's
brilliance, reading GB Jones' 'zines, sitting at Kathleen's feet as she
was shouting at the top of her lungs made me feel that I could conquer
anything! Made me feel "come on world give it to me" -- "I can take
No pity parties here! I have been damaged
but it will only make me a
stronger woman!
Fast forward into 2009.

I am now nearing the neighborhood of 40ism and have
created a family, a.k.a "empire of inspiration!" I still publish my
'zine because in some shape or form I feel it is a part of me! Without
my 'zine all those late nights, spectacular performances by peers may
lost in oblivion. KALININGRAD brings back all those feelings of being
young and free, expressing yourself to the highest degree and most of
all to have a good time! When Xtina sings, my shadow even gets the
chills from days gone, she also plays bass, drums to name a few of her
talents! Sisters Jen and Liz trade off bass, guitars and
drum duties;
James hits the electronic keys and sings
along on select numbers!
While we evolve and time passes, these emotions are often lost in the
day-to-day grind, and that is what Kaliningrad
brings to life and means
to me!
Being 30-something and singing about the things that are important to
us now "kaboucha," not getting lost in the world of soccer moms and
surviving your office job! Inspiring the future generations of
empowered females!
Kaliningrad is going into the studio in June to record their first
official full- length album with Jeff from Bloodhag (http://www.bloodhag.com/)
at The Vera Project (http://www.theveraproject.org/).
Kaliningrad also plays often in Seattle and may come
to a city near you!http://www.myspace.com/projektkaliningrad