johnny bones
By Ginger Coyote
Got a chance
to speak with Johnny Bones about his band Crack and Divide...
Johnny is a great guitar player and a real fun guy. Hope you
Punk Globe: Johnny, How long have you been playing Guitar
in Crack and Divide?
Johnny Bones: hmm.. 6 or 8 month's
Punk Globe: Where exactly is the band centered out of ?
Johnny Bones: thurmont/federick MD
Punk Globe: Tell us about the other members of Crack and Divide?
Johnny Bones: well, there's Brandon Free on guitar/lead
vocals. he's the heart throb/sex icon of the group(sorry ladies,
he's married) and he does most of writing. there's RJ Holmes on
bass/vocals. he's all business and what not. he books/sets up
just about all our shows. Then there's Alan Flickinger on the
drums. He's a goofball and he's fun to party with! as for me,
johnnie. i play lead guitar, and i'd like to think i'm fun to
party with too.
Punk Globe: Until recently the band was called Corrupted
Youth. Can you tell the readers the reason for the name change?
Johnny Bones:
well, there's a couple reasons. we've been talking about
changing the name for awhile now. it just don't represent who we
are anymore. we're not teenagers playing street punk. and we
were recently threatened with some legal action, so things just
worked out

Punk Globe: How did you come up with the new name of Crack
and Divide?
Johnny Bones: i believe it's from the Fugazi song, "Long
Punk Globe: Who are the bands influences?
Johnny Bones: that's a tough question to answer, and i
can't really answer for the other guys. as a guitar player i
guess my main influence would be Ace Frehley. from his playing
style, to his power stance stage presence. i just think he's the
shit.(see, i'm so not punk, haha).
Punk Globe: Has Corrupted Youth released any product? Was
it DIY or did you release it on a label?
Johnny Bones: i think they've been around since at least
02', and since then they released a few ep's that no one except
for them and probably like 20 kids in thurmont know about, and
two full length's. "This One's For You!" i think they put out in
04' and the last one, "A Sentiment Half Of Horror" which they
put out in 06'.
Punk Globe: What clubs do you play in the area there? It
seems that most of the bands play a regional circuit of
Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland and DC with an
occasional trip to NYC..
Johnny Bones: Since I've been in the band the only clubs
we've played at have been The Ottobar in baltimore, and Jaxx in
virginia. I think we have a show with The Living Wrecks at the
Sidebar in baltimore in february, i'm def looking forward to
Punk Globe: What is your favorite local club to play at?
Johnny Bones: I really enjoyed The Ottobar. Good sound,
good people, free drinks!
Punk Globe: Has the band toured and if so where?
Johnny Bones: before i joined, i believe they did a
couple US tours and I think at least one east coast.
Punk Globe: I understand that you have only played a few
month's with the band but what has been your best show thus far?
Johnny Bones: The
one where we played the best and got the best reaction from the
crowd would definitely be our show at Jaxx when we opened for the
Punk Globe: I have heard that the band has been writing a
lot of new material Do you have any plans to record?
Johnny Bones: Actually we're planning on going into the
studio in january to record a four song ep of new material, which
we're actually talking about releasing just 100 copies on
cassette, haha.
Punk Globe: Can you give the readers the band's website
and my space address?
Punk Globe: Tell us some of your personal favorite bands?
Johnny Bones: well i like just about anything as long as
it's good and there's some passion behind it, but just to name a
few: Kiss, The Misfits, Black Flag, Saves The Day, David
Bowie, Deep Purple, The Riffs, The Ramones, blah blah blah....
Punk Globe: By your email address I would guess Danzig,
The Misfits and The Dwarves... I have known Blag for years and my
pal Nick Oliveri (ex Queens Of The Stoneage and Mondo Generator)
plays with them on occasion as well..
Johnny Bones: I saw The Dwarves a couple years ago in
Baltimore, it was a great show. i went to see em' on their last
tour, but into the second opener a gave an underage friend a
drink of my natty boh, and i got thrown out and had to spend a
couple hours in Baltimore while my friends were rockin' out to the
dwarves, bullshit!
Punk Globe: Has Crack and Divide played with any touring
Johnny Bones: they've played with a bunch, but since
i've been in the band i think we've only played with The Misfits,
and A Wilhelm Scream.
Punk Globe: More on the serious side Johnny, when are you
going to rent the movie "Muriel's Wedding" and is it true that you
made many votes for Jane and Tony on "Dancing With the Stars"?
Johnny Bones: haha, when my girlfriend left me about a
month ago she took the dvd player, so i'll have to get back to
you on that one, send me a dvd player! and yes, the latter is
very true, ginger.
Punk Globe: Any last words you may like to leave the
readers with Johnny?
Johnny Bones: hmm... stay off the crack and needle
drugs, kids. that shit'll kill ya!
Punk Globe
would like to thank Johnny Bones for the interview and hope you
all check out Crack and Divide...