
be disgusted!!!!!!!!! Well, I am going to start out with no. 10. as
I am really hyped up on this one! INFURIATED in fact!!! I will
keep it simple and straight forward and not mince words! (Oh, how
difficult that will be for me, he he!!!) Those RepubliKKKans.
10. MTV. Because they
support CRAP! They are nothing but a tool for the Music Industry. It
is nothing but one big advertisement for the Music Market. Once
again, a few shit heads control everything so they are paid to put
on crappy, shitty pop crap, that makes money for the heads of the
Multi Rich Record Companies. AND they have very little social
conscience, and
they push Rock and Roll RepubliKKKan assholes, and outdated right
wing racists like Ted Nugent and all the rest of the low life slime
balls of Rock and Roll. Oh and they have *new* bands that are
signed by the record companies for tax write offs! Also they have
alot of young *Corporate Punk* bands that sing songs with lyrics
like, *I love you, why did you do me wrong,
that ain*t right, I am so hurt my heart is broken ETC!!* Well BOO
HOO HOO and FUCK YOU!!!!!!! Any band now, that still has lyrics
like that, instead of politically right on lyrics about the sorry
state of this Fascist World Order, are living in NOWHERE
LAND!!!!!!!!! Of course there are always a FEW exceptions. But they
are few and far between! Most of the bands and
artists are puppets for the Recording Market! No talent, or
disgustingly BORING BORING! Boredom Boredom!!!!!!!! There are NO
BANDS that come close to the Dolls, Velvet Underground, The Doors,
Sex Pistols, The Buzzcocks, The Damned ETC! It is all a big rip
don*t, then just like in the French Revolution, your heads will
roll like cabbages being thrown down the allies of a bowling alley
of garbage and other outdated trash! What are you doing MTV to stop
this illegal and immoral war and the Racist, Fascist, Neo Con
takeover of AMERIKKKA????????????? Huh, MTV!!!??? Cat got your
tongue??? Or maybe you are really, too busy making money and getting
kick backs from the recording industry, to bother with the innocent
lives of INFANTS AND PREGNANT MOTHERS being killed daily! (Did I
hear some right wing jerk say that *killing unborn babies is
wrong???* Oh I get it! It is only wrong when a woman uses her right
to choose NOT when they are being killed by Amerikan bombs!!! YE
fucking lazy money grubbing asses and get REAL for a change! If you
don*t then WE THE PEOPLE WILL DISPOSE OF YOU!!! We now have the
Internet, downloading, satellite radio, and My Space (For now
anyway!) and the good ole *word of mouth.* We no longer need you to
tell us what is in or out or good or bad! You don*t have a clue!!!
You*v totally LOST IT! You are sooooooooooo uncool, unhip and
totally unhuman!!! So FUCK YOU MTV!!!!!!!!
MAGAZINE. Well, Rolling Stone are not as bad as MTV but they have
really failed Rock and Roll and WE THE PEOPLE for not exposing all
the evil right wing Rock and Roll REPUBLIKKKANS! Their political
articles are quite good and I often enjoy them. They have done good
in exposing right wing Christian nuts, and the Bush Regime and the
Neo Cons, BUT have failed to expose the right wing assholism in Rock
and Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I simply do not understand
this!!!! As much as I love the music of Alice Cooper, for instance,
why have Rolling Stone failed to expose his repulsive, narrow minded
right wing views??????????????
Why ROLLING STONE????????????? And the same for Ted Nugent and Gene
Simmons. All old Rock Star Dinosaurs with horrible Fascist leanings.
The right wing fascists within Rock and Roll should not be immune
from exposure!!! WE THE PEOPLE have a right to know!!! And it should
be ROLLING STONE AND MTV*S job, as far as I am concerned, to EXPOSE
THESE PEOPLE for what they are!!!! Hey, Wagner was a great composer
and was Hitler*s fave!!!!
But not everyone knows that he was a horrible, racist, fascist, anti
Semitic scum bag!!!!!!!! And FORD who started the Ford Motor
Company, along with WALT DISNEY supported Hitler during the war and
actually gave the Nazis money! Ford wrote the famous anti Semitic
book, *The International Jew.* that blamed the Jews for every
problem on the face of the earth! What pigs
they were. The press have a duty to let people know these things! It
may help people to realize WHY AmeriKa is the way it is today!!!!!!!
So HEY ROLLING STONE. DO YOUR JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Auntie Jayne is
watching you and SHE HAS A
spell his name right? Who gives a shit??) I usually refer to him as
Bill O LIEley! Cause every utterance out of his evil, sex harassing
telephone mouth is one big fat LIE! He hates Democrat's, The Green
Party, and all Left leaning, freedom loving liberals. He is a right
wing BIGOT of the worst kind. And he slimes across the floor on his
belly like a reptile! Using his Irish Catholic religion to
persecute, hate and demonize anyone who doesn*t believe his horrible
narrow minded lies!!! Bill O*LIEly also is a nasty piece of defiled
flesh. Using your
religion to bash people on the head with your backward thinking, is
unforgivable. He is a modern day Pharisee! Worst kind of hypocrite!
Cause he knows that the lies he is spreading are lies, yet he still
chooses to lie, cause it pushes the evil RepubliKKKan agenda on poor
unsuspecting Americans!!! Turns them into AmeriKKKans, like him! No
wonder some people refer to him and his cohorts as *Disciples of
Delusions!* That is what FOX NEWS is all about anyway. Spreading
right wing lies in order to prop up their, sick, twisted version of
*Democracy!* That is when it ceases to be *Democracy* and becomes
*Fascism!* Lies are forced on the People in the name of a sick,
twisted version of God and the Bible! Is it a wonder
that Mr. Lieley belongs to a church that condemns millions of Gay
people in the name of God. Condemns Gay unions as sinful when all
the while the Catholic Church protected their pedophile priests!
HYPOCRITES. The SINagougue Of Satan! They are Pharisees on bad
Acid!!! And no wonder some refer to his Church as *Babylon, Mother
Of Harlots!* And the Protestant
Churches as *The Great Whore Church*s Harlot Daughters!!!* It is
these very people who want to deny rights to Gays, Women and
Immigrants. They are dangerous right wing Christians who want to
rule with a *Rod Of Iron* and force their twisted religion on the
They use God as as excuse to kill, rape, murder and steal people*s
land! All in the name of God!!! Thank you ISIS that I am
a PAGAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
basically the same as Bill *O LIEley but kind of sexy!!! At least I
would give him a good shagging before kicking his chubby little
butt out of my apt. in the middle of a snow storm after doing a
Myra Breckenridge on his chubby bubble ass!!!!!!!!!! Or is it
Myra Breckawidge??? Anyway, for those who don*t know, Myra
Breckenridge (Whatever!!!) was a transexual who had a full sex
change. She fucked a soldier up his bum using a strap on dildo!!!
Such a kind, gentle love story! Too bad Shaun is so fucked up in the
head. Just think, in the right mood and with the right Tranny, he
could also be fucked up in the bum!!!!!!!!!!!! But, just re read
number 8. and substitute Shaun Hannity for Bill O*LIEley, but
remember he is alot better looking, to say the least!!!
will make this one, short and simple. LIES LIES
home and shut the fuck up honey! It*s OVER!!!!!!!!! And while you*re
at it, have your fucking tubes tied so you can*t fuck up another
babies head!!!!!!!!!! And if you decide to go to Africa and adopt a
baby, adopt a baby boa constrictor! Then the next time you go out,
wear it around your neck like a necklace or feather boa!!! And if
you simply have
to continue breeding, please give the baby up for adoption by some
nice Lesbian couple. Or maybe give it to Rosie O* Donnell!!! You are
a brainless, talentless brat, who doesn*t make music cause you like
music, you just want attention. You are being used by your record
company to make millions! What a mess!! Get in to rehab and put a
cork in your hole and sew your mouth together with fishing wire! You
are no Madonna honey! At least she is a smart cookie who knows how
to work the system to her own advantage! Her music may suck but she
is role model for millions of drag queens the world over! But she
has to get rid of that tacky Madonna On A Cross act! Honey, Jesus
didn*t die for your sins and neither did Madonna! Britney, we are
sick of seeing your lint filled belly button and we don*t care to be
graced by
the presence of your flat ass and dwarf like, Hobbit bod!!! BRITNEY
GO HOME AND SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isis, PLEASE, spare us!!! Stop now! Just show the fun, fab, bad
singers and freakos and spare us the so called *good* singers!
They all sound like grade D. Aretha Franklin's, on Crystal Meth!!!!!!!
At least the *bad* singers are funny!!! It*s the winners that are
the bad singers. Bad singers, bad song choices and bad arrangements.
Bad clothes,
bad hair dos and TACKY phony smiles!!! Excuse me while I throw up in
an empty Kentucky Fried Chicken box!!! I will even re fry my vomit
and use it to dip my Doritos in!!! Anything is better than enduring
3. Pat Robertson/Rush Rimybelow. These two psycho nut jobs tie for the number three
position! Rush Rim my below. And how the hell do you spell this
sick son of a bitch*s name? Rimbough, I think! Anyway this warped
Abbot and Costello of the Republikkkan world are only funny for a
few lousy minutes! Until they start hate speech toward Democrats,
Environmentalists, Gays or anyone else who they deem as *un
American!* These two clowns are as *un AmeriKKKan , as you can get.*
They stand for everything that our Founding Fathers were against.
Tyranny, Dicktatorship, Theocracy (The Union of Church and State.)
See, this way the Psycho, uptight, AmeriKan Nazis ,like these two,
can control the populace by scaring them with religion then using
the State to enforce religious rule. Exactly what the Muslim
Fascists do in their countries. Once again, the reasoning is, *Well,
we know the true God, and he is on Our side, so we have the right to
kill everyone who disagrees with us!* They worship a GOD OF WAR AND
VENGEANCE!!! An OLD TESTAMENT style God who kills, and burns people
up in Fire From Heaven, for disobeying!! They even have the nerve to
call this blood craving God, Father!!!!!!! FATHER!!!!!!! A Father
who ABUSES HIS CHILDREN IN NO FATHER!!! So both Rush and Pat can
give each other a blow job and FUCK OFF!!! They are SUPPOSED to be
Christians, but they worship a FALSE GOD OF WAR AND DEATH!!! As
Christians they should know that when Christ came (According to the
Bible!!!) he did away with Old Testament Law!!! Christ TRANSFORMED
the God of War and Vengeance into a God of PEACE, LOVE AND
UNDERSTANDING! So in other words, Pat Robertson and Rush Rim me
below, are not Christians!!!! They. Here are a couple of poems about
these two shit turds, that will soon be new Jayne County
songs!!!!!!!!!! And I will give them to you for FREE because you
need to hear the message and I am not a member of the greedy,
Recording Industry, money making machine! I make my music for THE
PEOPLE! Of course that doesn*t mean that I will sell a few songs
here and here to keep me in wigs, make up and anti establishment
books and mags! I must make some money SOMEWHERE!!! But I will
always be able to offer alot of my music, especially the ones that
contain my message, to THE PEOPLE! Cause I too, am a member of WE
THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!! So here is my first set of lyrics to you my
sweet dears!!!!!!! A present from your Auntie Jayne to YOU!!!!!!!!!
RUSH THE MAGIC CRACKHEAD. Rush the magic crackhead, had a TV show.
He hated Gays and Women*s Lib, wanted everyone to know! Rush the
magic crackhead, hated Junkies too! But he*s hooked on pills, red
white and blue, now HES A JUNKY TOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Patrick is a Saint oh yes he is. He*s the Joan of Arc of the
twentieth century. Oh boy, I can*t wait. Till they burn him at the
stake. Patrick is a Saint oh yes he is!!!!!! are FALSE PROPHETS
sent to persecute the Children of God!!!
Well, what else can be said of this son of a bastard that others
have already said. So I will say it in my own* Jayne County is
pissed off*, style!!! I know it*s cruel to kick someone when they
are going down, but I will make an exception in this case! In plain
language, with no minced words! This redneck, moron from Planet
Shitface, is a lying, murdering, thieving, EVIL SATANIC PIG!!! His
soul will rot in HELL after being thrown into the Bottomless Pit
with Satan, The Beast and The False Prophet! This guy has 666
printed on the head of his huge Donkey Dick! (And don*t ask me how I
know that one!!!!!!!!!) But let*s just say that I have a few
*friends* who live in Washington, and you know how hard it is for a
QUEEN to keep a secret! Telephone, telegram, tell a queen!!! (Telequeen.)
This *worst president of all time* and Monster From The Amazon Slime
Pond* reallY isn*t the president at all. AL GORE is our president.
Bush stole the election by letting *The Whore Of Florida* fix the
voting booths so the RepubliKKKan Nazi Bastards could fake 9/11,
(Like Hitler faked the Reishstag burning so he could blame the
Jews.) so they could blame the Muslims, and turn AmeriKa into a far
RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY!!! Similar in the way that the
Amerikan government in the 1940*s had prior knowledge of the attack
on Peal Harbor!!!! But the government LET IT HAPPEN so they could
get Amerika in the war, and MOST Americans at that time had no want
to go to war with JAPAN!!! But AmeriKa thought that white Europeans
should be controlling all those oriental Islands and Country's,
instead of having Orientals themselves control their own countries.
This way AmeriKa could go in and rob these people of all their
natural resources and give it to the RULING CLASSES of America!!!
Fuck the poor and the hard working people who
were forced to fight, so that these greedy, selfish, RICH
MOTHERFUCKERS could get even richer! And now here we are still doing
the same fucking thing! Finding an excuse or making one up, in
order to invade someone else*s country, murder the inhabitants,
destroy their culture and rob them blind!!! The AmeriKan government
did that to the Native Americans, who lived here
first, thousands of years before white Europeans. The AmeriKan gov.
committed GENOCIDE to an entire race of people! Millions of Native
Americans were murdered, tortured, raped and put in concentration
camps. And we are shocked by what Hitler did!!!!!! But oh, it*s OK
when WE do it! Cause God is on OUR side!!!!! God wasn*t on the
American Indians*s side! And he wasn*t on
the Germans side either, until we stopped Hitler and now the Germans
too have God on their side. Cause AmeriKa has decided so. When
AmeriKa does something horrible, it is OK, cause God is on our side,
but when someone else does it, we invade and drop bombs on them!!!
Right wing Amerika is a country of brainless sheep, ready to follow
any tyrant or dictator who comes along! But people are starting to
WAKE UP!!! Thank you ISIS for Left Wing America! We are now
fighting these Fascist Bastards full steam ahead. The gloves are
off!~ The fight is on!!! King George, your daze are numbered. Like
King Nebakanezzar of Babylon, THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL!!! OFF
WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!
1. TED NUGENT- has to be the most disgusting, lower than an insect,
a piss ant and a pregnant COCKroach, minus humanoid on the face of
MURDERING PIG!!! A dinasoar, that needs to put out of it*s misery!
He was just in Texas, goosestepping around with the new GOP,
Governor, wearing a CONFEDERATE T. shirt, and making derogatory
remarks about people who couldn*t speak English. Well, I wonder just
how many languages that Neanderthal of an ape can speak??? Oh
sorry, he just grunts like a deaf, dumb and blind Hippo in heat!
For years we have been having to endure listening to that racist,
pig bashing Gays and Women, now we have to have the backward
redneck, creep of a Texas Governor dangling Ted around by his
humming bird dick insulting immigrants, Gays and Black people! That
just shows you how low and EVIL the RepubliKKKans actually are! I
ain*t a religious person, but if there is a God and a Devil, then
people like Ted Nugent and all the rest of his Rock and Roll
Republikkkan friends and
the GOP are SATANISTS!!!!!!! They are pure EVIL! Filled with
Hatred and bigotry toward anyone who is liberal and sane! They,
Stopped before they destroy all liberty and justice , not just here,
in AmeriKa , but all over the entire world! The Confederate flag is
a symbol of slavery and intolerance. It
is the same as the SWASTIKA!!! It represents a nation torn apart by
bigots and racists who chose to try to leave the UNION of these
United States, during the first (And I bet not the last!) AmeriKan
Civil War, instead of choosing to grant freedom, respect and liberty
to an entire race of people, who were snatched from their homes in
Africa and forced to become slaves for a
population of selfish, greedy, FASCIST pigs!!! The Confederate
States Of Amerika tried to tear our country apart with their narrow
minded, Neanderthal, war like ways ! They behaved in a sickening,
twisted, manner toward their fellow man. And they all did it with
GOD ON THEIR SIDE! Using God as an excuse to make slaves out of an
entire race of people. The
same mentality that is now being used by people like Ted Nugent, the
GOP and the *Christian* Right, against Gay and Trans people. And
anyone that disagrees with their twisted, perverted version of God
and Country! These people have been truly, sent from HELL by SATAN
himself, to destroy everything that is decent and beautiful about
TRUE freedom and the spirit of INDIVIDUALISM that has been imprinted
in the hearts of all REAL freedom loving people
FASCISM RIGHT HERE IN AMERIKKKA!!!!!!!!! Germany and Europe have
had their day of
fascism, is it now AM ERIKA*S turn????????????? WE THE PEOPLE CANNOT
The President*s speech
back to that other moron, Ted Nugent. I was born and bred in the
South, and honey let me tell you, the Confederate flag is a symbol
of bigotry toward anyone not white, Christian or Protestant! And the
people who wear these Nazi style emblems are hard core RACIST and
FASCISTS. The t. shirts are worn by members of the KKK and the White
Aryan Nation. These
are white supremacist groups who want to bring back *nigger* and
*fag* hangings! They hate anyone not like them. They hate everyone
and everything that is liberal, fair minded or just. These people
are eaten up with hatred and their minds have been poisoned and
brainwashed by ignorant far right wing views. They are sick,
twisted, beings who need to be put on heavy
medication and forced bank into the dark, smelly, slimy caves they
crawled out of! Plus, Ted Nugent is from Michigan. He is not
Southern, but a dim witted northern ghoul with a taste for blood,
injustice and prejudice. HOW DARE HE WEAR A CONFEDERATE T. SHIRT! I
would not be one bit surprised to learn that he even belongs to the
same group that Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols belonged to. They
are called Christian Identity. They teach a very very sick and
twisted version of the Bible. They say that Eve in the Garden of
Eden had sex with Satan and her offspring was the Black race!!! And
that white, Anglo Saxon peoples are descended from the Ten Lost
Tribes Of Israel, (Who of course were all white!) and that they
migrated into western Europe and lived in Germany, then migrated to
Britain and America. They teach that Britain is Ephraim and that
America is the lost tribe of Manessa!! They are bonified NUTSVILLE!!!!!!!!!
They say that Hitler is an Aryan and that he is the savior of the
White Race. They feel that they are superior to other races and even
have the right to kill them! They are extremely dangerous and as
far as I am concerned, no better than Islamic extremists!!! And they
all use the CONFEDERATE FLAG and the SWASTIKA as their most
important and
revered symbols! That is why these symbols are sickening, because
they represent mass murder, slavery and genocide against entire
races of people.Including Gays, Gypsies, Slaves, Poles, and all left
wing leaning people such as I. Yes, I am talking about ME!!!!!!
Both those symbols are very offensive and are weapons of war against
love, peace and freedom!
People who wear them are promoting the nasty, sick ideas behind the
people that wear them are just as guilty as the actual murderers
themselves! Blood is on their hands! And the blood of innocent
black people, beat, raped and hung in the deep south is on the hands
of TED NUGENT because he chooses to wear and PROMOTE that image.
Nugent and Adolf Hitler both ROT IN HELL! They are the same!
Oh, and one more thing on the Ted Nugent in Texas shit. Remember,
you asshole. TEXAS was a part of MEXICO before the whites stole it!
They didn*t buy it or borrow the land, they KILLED the Mexicans and
TOOK IT AWAY FROM THEM!!! The name Texas has the prefix TEX. As in
MEX. Or in AzTEX. or Aztec. Then there were the Toltec's, the
Ollmecs, the Northern Mayans.
They were all killed and uprooted and had their land and culture
destroyed by right wing Christian Fascist murderers!!!!!!!! So you
SHOULD be speaking Spanish or some of the original Indian languages.
You are on THEIR land! The land your people killed for! I ain*t the
most religious person in the world, but I do believe this. THOSE WHO
SWORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The entire country of AmeriKa was stolen from
other people who had been living her for THOUSANDS of years! It is
you Mr. Nugent, who is the FOREIGNER!!!!! So speak Spanish, cause
you are on SPANISH/MEXICAN LAND you stupid idiot!!!!!!!! Or better
yet, learn a few of the thousands of Native American languages that
were originally spoken here in AmeriKa before its original
inhabitants were all murdered by Fascists like you!!!!!!!!
So there you have it.
JAYNE'S TOP TEN SHIT LIST!!! Now I will write a review of the MARCH
ON WASHINGTON, which, I attended!!!!!!!! Yes, I was there! I went to
Wash. to march against this disgusting War and all the MASTERS OF
WAR WITH GOD ON THEIR SIDES, who are conducting this hateful
escapade of blood, hatred and war for oil and land! Bush should be
tried for WAR CRIMES! My review shall soon follow!!!!!!!!! x Jayne