january 2020


Rest In Peace
James Higgins
Who Played Rhythm Guitar With The Bordertown Devils

There are many words to describe Jim (or Jamie as he was known to his family). He was loud, funny, obnoxious, crazy, lovable and so much more. He was the life of every party and his presence was known as soon as he walked into the room. You won't find a single person on this earth who didn't love and adore him. He was a son, brother, uncle and friend but most importantly, a Father. Anyone who knew him knows that his kids were his #1 priority and the light of his life.

As you can imagine, this is a huge loss whis two kids, Jesse and Haley. Jim helped out so many people that he loved and now it's our turn to help out the two people he loved the most in this world. Our family would appreciate any and all help you can give in covering the costs that Jesse and Haley will need to take care of his funeral and any other expenses they might incur in this process.


Go Fund Me For James Higgins


A message To Ginger Coyote From Ty Wooderson Bass Player  For The Bordertown Devils

Thank you Ginger for reaching out. Yes, tragically Jim our rhythm guitarist and founding member of Bordertown Devils recently passed away. With Jim's passing and Joe's status sort of up in the air, we have decided to call an end to Bordertown Devils. We were just about finished recording when he died. We will probably finish the album with Joe singing a few tracks and other vocalists from local bands that were friends of Jim singing a few tracks and release it as a tribute to Jim since it was his last work, but we will not be playing live. Mike, Jeremy and I have played together in other various bands over the years, so we may form something else eventually, but right now everything is sort of up in the air and we don't have anything planned or mapped out. Just dealing with the loss, and working out the details on how to finish up this last record. Once again, thank you so much for your kind words and for the message, if we ever re-form Bordertown Devils or put a new band together, you will be the first to know.

Take care,

Ty Wooderson