in a dream jeremiah zagar
Review by Carl Macki

This unlikely film is made by the son of a crazy Jewish bohemian couple in the south Philadelphia art scene, Julia and Isiah Zagar, who have covered more than 50,000 square feet of surface with mosaic tile, mirrors and concrete, in the last forty years. Their son, Jeremiah, has said that in the tough times growing up in the family, "movies were his refuce and religion." Living with two family artists has not been easy for him. This film is his testament, his study in deconstruction--the human kind.

Isiah sitting

Isiah sitting in contremplations of his artwork

It doesn't drag along the lines of a boring documentary showing off the egos of artists as they are immersed in the glory of their work, it moves and pops and stings, as it explores the troubled relations the pair leak onto those around them. It also contains some profoundly beautiful moments.
"In a Dream" has won awards for Best Documentary at the Woodstock Film Festival and the Emerging Visions Audience honors at SZSW.
Isiah and Julia Zagar
Julia and Isiah Zagar

It has a killer soundtrack,
with music by The Books, Explosions in the Sky, Efterklang, Bibioand Colleen. The original film score is by Kelli Scarr.
Think "Discovering the Friedmans" mixed with "Pollock" After seeing this movie, you may have a Nietsche trigger finger wrapped around your angst.