Billy: Yes, its alot safer for me and the world around me. If
I'm constantly moving and occupied !
Punk Globe: Can you tell the readers about how you came up with
the name The Black Halo's for a band name ...
Billy: It wasn't me it was a
Seattle Sub Popper girl who used to take us out to a
transvestite /drag queen all night breakfast joint ! I don't
really think about her often but I do miss the bacon n' eggs and
hairy legs !
Punk Globe: What can one expect from a typical Black Halo's
show... I remember seeing you at Al's Bar years ago and there
was alot of mayhem. Shit was flying all over.. Then I ran into
you on Hollywood Blvd and you were so calm.
Billy: I don't know what to
expect and that's what's exciting about it . Hey isn't it truly
calmest after the storm !
Punk Globe: I also remember when White Trash Debutantes were
playing in Vancouver- some of the band telling me that they had
gone into a shop you were working and you gave them some great
deals.. By chance do you still have that job?
Billy: Naw, I had ta choose
between rock n retail ! The store is now located in San
Francisco and I still drop in to say hey whenever I'm in the
mood for rice a roni !
Punk Globe: Can you tell us who is currently in the band? I know
my pal's Johnny Stewart and Adam Halo playing with you.
Billy: Johnny Halo , Adam Halo
, Robbie Halo, Jahmeel jr Halo and me sometimes though most of
the time I feel like an outsider .
Punk Globe: How did you get Johnny in the band? I know he was
centered in Winnipeg playing with Micro..
Billy: He came into the institution on his own free will . He
was banging on the door when he heard we had a padded vacancy he
could practice bmx tricks in .
Punk Globe: I know that you recently had a Cramps cover band
with my pal the wonderful and sassy Gerry Jenn Wilson for a
Halloween Show.. Tell us about how the band came about.
Billy: I just wanted to do
something ridiculous and fun so I called up a bunch of my fave
bad people and said hey lets play bad music !!
Punk Globe: Do you have other side bands? Are you going to join
the Lil Guitar Army?
Billy: No I'm a one band man
! Though I love to flirt and occasionally have a fling or
one night stand ta keep my relationship un-secure .

Punk Globe: I recently got an email from Wendy Thirteen from The
Cobalt with a wish for a White Trash Debutantes/ JP5 show..
Maybe we could add The Black Halo's to the mix.
Billy: Who knows, Wendy's
awesome I truly admire her. Her heart is known to me as Wendy's
Big Classic !
Punk Globe: What would be your dream show and where would you
Billy: I only have nightmares ! But I'm still waiting for Japan
Punk Globe: Tell us about some of your favorite venues to play?
Billy: Its not the venue but the people and memories it holds
that makes a show !
Punk Globe: Tell the readers again... What day your new album is
going to be released in Record Stores
Billy: Yeah as I said the new albums in the can and were about
to open it and let the worms spill on Feb 28th
Punk Globe: Who are your favorite Vancougarr bands? I had to
add a bit of Gerry Jenn into the question..
Billy Hopeless: D.O.A, The Rebel Spell , The Jolts , S.N.F.U,
The China Creeps , Alternate Action, The Subhumans ,and this
old guy named James who sings and holds a harmonica on the
Punk Globe: Can you give the readers your bands website and My
Space addresses. So they can check out all your different
Billy: Jo Polnachek and I'd be the butch with my lesbian partner
Blair Warner .
Punk Globe: Any last messages you may have for the readers of
Punk Globe?
Billy: See yah on tour! Please feel free bring cigarettes and
coloring books for the inmate named Billy Hopeless . Oh and buy
the new album.... as downloading kills record stores and I'll
really miss record stores if they disappear won't you ?
Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview Billy..
Billy: Thank You
Black Halo's will be hitting the road in support of their new
album... We hope you all will catch their show.... You just
never know who from the cast of "The Facts Of Life" may show up
to give em a heads up!