Interview With Holly Filth
by Steve DIY

I came across Holly Filth on the Punk Globe Guestbook and checked out her site. Well I liked what I saw and here´s what she has to say:

Punk Globe: First off can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Sure thing! Hey! I´m Holly, 19 years old from a wonderful little town called Falkirk. I am quite tall, have crayon red hair and dark brown eyes. I don’t really have a dress style, I just chuck on whatever funk i feel in the mood for! I live with my parents, brother, sister and sisters cute new baby! We have two big, beautiful dalmation dogs. I´m a happy, talkative, sometimes shy but generally confident girl. I´m not really a girly girl to be honest, but i wouldn´t say i was boyish. I´ve been modelling a couple of years and have just recently started getting into the photography side of things. Quite artistic and creative, tada!!

Punk Globe: How long have you been modelling and what inspired you to do the type of modelling you do?

I was 16 when a local hairdresser asked me if she could have my picture taken for her portfolio and some posters, I was a bit shy about it at first but I had fun. I used some of the photos for online profiles that I had and people started contacting me asking if I had ever considered modelling, this was a shock to me because I had never seen myself as anything special, I never got boyfriends, I always thought I was a bit of an ugly duckling! My biggest inspiration was Morrigan Hel, she is married to the drummer in my favourite band, she was who I wanted to be like.

Punk Globe: Is this like a full time job for you or have you set your sights on another career?

I have recently joined a photography course and next year I will be studying photography at college. I would much prefer to be paid for taking beautiful photographs than being in them. It has never really been full time for me, as I was at high school until I was 18 and I done visual arts at college afterwards. Now I work full time. It´s just fun really!!

Punk Globe: Is Horror and Fetish shots the only type of modelling you have done?

No not at all! I´ve done a lot of hair shoots, but still alternative, some local band shoots, some videos and a couple of snaps for a bondage site and I even model for a Christian organisation. Most of what I do is alternative fashion, but I like to believe I can pull off many different looks! I have done a lot of horror shoots though, I played the part of Elizabeth Bathory once, that was great fun!

Punk Globe: Would you be prepared to do full frontal shots?

No I wouldn´t. I always wanted to, when I was 16 I had my heart set on doing hardcore work, full nudity and more, but I guess I grew out of that, I’m glad I did though. Don´t get me wrong I have nothing against it at all, many of my friends do it and love it, I support them 100% and think they look amazing. It´s not for me, I like to keep a little something for the imagination!

Punk Globe: How do you see yourself progressing in the modelling you do?

Oh who knows! I am enjoying things as they are, if something comes along I´ll grab it, however I do see myself beginning to sway towards photography, seem to be spending more time helping friends with their ´folios than working on mine! I am enthusiastic and passionate about modelling, I enjoy the attention, the recognition and the laughs that come along with it. We´ll see what happens!!

Punk Globe: What limits do you set you set yourself regards the type of modelling you do?

Well if the shoot requires nudity I will work up to topless, only if need be. I mean if the shoot is simply a "topless shoot" I wont agree to it, because there is no real reason for it. I´m not a glamour model. If I am handed an assignment where it fits in, I´m willing to do it then! I don´t do any full nudity, I´m a bit paranoid about my body, too much chocolate hah. Plus I have a wonderful man and even although he has no problem with what I do I wouldn´t disrespect him by sharing what I class is personal with the rest of the world!

Punk Globe: Being into Animal Rights would you always decline a shoot which involved parading around in fur?

I would never work with fur, ever. I couldn´t. Not very professional I know but I just could never bring myself to do it. So soft, so beautiful, but so dead. It saddens me to think people can be so heartless. I guess I just don’t understand some folk! I was brought up in a house where animals with fur were pets, it´s unnatural to turn that into a coat or hat.

Punk Globe: So outside modelling what do you like to get up to?

Well I love to party!! I love dancing the night away with my friends usually at Bedlam (Glasgow) or The Mission (Edinburgh). My weekends are usually sleepless and alcohol filled, healthy eh! I try see my man as often as possible, he´s from Glasgow, so that´s mainly just on the weekends too. Apart from that I just hang out with my mates! In our local, Firkins, or indoors chilling with pizza and a dvd!!

Punk Globe: Any good drunken stories you´d like to share with our readers?

Haha! Well I am sure there are a few!! My mate and I always manage to get ourselves into silly situations when alcohol is involved. One time we went on holiday and were out at this glam rock club where we met a couple of blokes, they invited us back to a party but when we got there, there was no party, just these two blokes both in their late 30´s, caught one age that was 38!! We were total idiots and fell for it. I started to sober up before Jos did, when I realised what was going on I ran upstairs and locked us both in a double room.. which was clearly the room of husband and wife. We stayed there all night because we had no clue where we actually were and none of us knew her dads number. In the morning I asked the older bloke who owned the house for a lift, I haven´t a clue where the other guy went too! In the bathroom there was lassies razors and accessories. The house had a garage with a BMW and another fancy looking car. It looked to me like his wife was away on business or something and he was just out to play!! Silly!

Punk Globe: Anything you´d like to add?

Just be safe! Follow your heart and don´t let anything get in the way of your dreams. Always encourage and stand by your friends, make sure they know you love them. Don´t be pushed around. Most of all, have fun, You only get one chance!! Thank you very much for listening to me! XX

Thanks to Holly for taking time out to do this interview. Check her site out and drop her a line showing your support.




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