The Grannies hail from the Bay Area
and do a good job keeping Punk Rawk fun.. The opening song "The
Industry" would you lead you to believe this 13 song CD is a live
recording but to the contrary- it was recorded in a speedy 7 days
in a studio. Mixed and Produced by Jack Endino... The band reminds
me of San Jose California's Diesel Queens... Stand out tracks
include "Your Band Sucks," "Don't Step On My Tits., " Viva LA
Electrocucion, " (featuring NY Jazz-man John Savage on Flute is
probably my favorite track), "Jesus Was a Homo" "Wipe it on
Drew," and "God Bless A Man In A Dress".... Savage can also be
heard playing both Flute and Sax thru out the tracks. The CD
includes a fun colorful Inner Sleeve Booklet with fun photo's
that make me wonder why the title of the CD is not God Bless A
Man In A Dress....Fun Stuff!