The Punxzine does not
have any listed address or contact information. I know that the
Editor is Barmy who is the lead singer and founder of Antiseptic.
Also involved with the Punxzine is Dinda and they both are from
Indonesia... The concept of Good Old Days is to remind the new
generation about the glory days of punk/hardcore music.. Barmy has
been involved with the punk movement since it began in
Indonesia.. He met Dinda at a gig in 2005 and this friendship
created Good Old Days...They have interviewed Barmy and Antiseptic,
Ginger Coyote, Lost Sight( who are from Indonesia) and Don from Punk
Life Zine... Interesting and informative stories about Go Sailor and
Operation Ivy. A few cool old flyers from The Cuckoo's Nest- Black
Flag, Wasted Youth, Circle One- Gillman Street- Operation Ivy, Hells
Kitchen, Christ On Parade- Lacasa Dela Raza with The Ramones and RKL
in Santa Barbara and a Dead Kennedy's, Go-Go's flyer from The
Mabuhay Gardens... Plus some good Top 10 lists from Barmy, Rabind
Rawks, Ginger Coyote and Dinda. Plus some kewl Record Reviews... As
an added bonus there is a free CD of Barmy and The Antiseptic called
"More Than Fashion.... A Great Read For All !!!