The Fight United
Ginger Coyote

1. Not a Police Man
2. My name is Paul
3. Washboard
4. Your War
5. Whiskey, Anarchy,
6. Sunset Massacre
7. Not Like Everyone
8. Out on the Town
9. 1.....2.... Die
10. Gix n' Gxully
11. Pain and Wasting's
12. Ink and Flesh
13. Wendy 13
14. What Happened to
15. The Fight
The Fight United a fun
old school punk band from Vancouver B.C. who have released a 15 song
CD- D.I.Y. style.. Lead singer Trigger has a snarly punk rock voice
while holding down Guitar.. Yoko Ohno on drums and Brass MacBastard
on bass hold down a solid bottom end... The music is lots of fun and
I am sure that The Fight United are entertaining live... Stand out
songs include "Out On The Town," "Your War," "Sunset Massacre" and
my favorite is "Wendy 13" written about Wendy who owns and operates
the finest punk bar in B.C. - The Cobalt.. "Wendy 13 , East
Vancouver's punk-rock Queen." The CD is dedicated to the memory of
Gix R.I.P. ... Check out the bands My Space profile and decide for
The Fight United