By:Ginger Coyote

recently had a chance to interview the lovely Tara Rez and Andy
Thierum for the London based band The Duel . Heads Up to Andy who
was sick with the flu for participating in the interview... I just
recently was turned on to the band and am now a fan.. I hope you
enjoy the following interview...
Punk Globe: Can
you tell the readers about how you and Andy formed The Duel?
Tara Rez: Yeah
we been writing together for like 10 years and after a year split
we came back as the duel, its just a culmination of the way our
sound has developed over the years of making tunes together
Andy Theirum:
- we love writing songs - always have,
Globe: Is there a story behind the band name The Duel?
Tara Rez: Lol..
Erm.. Yeah - it beautifully described the way we were with each
other - the band split quite dramatically first time round, after
not speaking to each other for a year, we met up one day and
knocked out 6 songs one after the other . and at the end of it
Andy Thierum: What are we doing - we should do this - a fresh
start needed a new name .. the duel it was .. As Tara said
although it also kinda represents us against them , artists
musicians original thinkers against , the normal views of hw
society thinks we should conform
Globe: Can you give the readers the names of the band members and
what they do.
Tara Rez: We
just come back from a tour I Holland with dutch boys Jerome
(guitars)& Fred (Drums). We have been recording the new Album
relentlessly for the last 6 months or so with guitarist and ex
king Kurt founder Paul Laventhol .Paul started working with us
about 4 years ago he also was the main guitarist on 'lets finish
what we started' album. Peppe played with us for about 3 years but
has recently left to pursue his solo project, he originally joined
the band as a drummer but quickly joined as a second guitarist .
Over the years we have had more drummers than spinal tap , but we
still have a couple in regular rotation. in this album we have a
few collaborations as far as guitars go, one of which includes rob
from the tights playing on the track 'dead rock stars'? which is a
kinda dedication to allot of our heroes that we love that are no
longer with us - for one reason or another like. Joey, Dee dee,
stiv ,joe strummer etc .
Globe: How long has the band been together?
Tara Rez: Iâ??m
not sure its hard to say, a very rusty brain as the years roll
into one!!
Andy Thierum:
The Duel been going since 2001/2002
Is London where
The Duel calls home?
Tara Rez: Yep
we are, London is still cool and has a heart even though the
stupid Olympics and starbucks and McDonalds on every corner but it
still has its havens
Globe: Fleur from Secret Records sent me your CD "Let's Finish
What We Started" on FFR UK Records and I was very impressed.. Is
that your first release?
Tara Rez: First
official release, yes. And we been really pleased and encouraged
with the positive feedback its been great and also if people like
wot u do, u feel like ur not a complete waste of space lol.
Punk Globe:
I loved "The Duel" in which Knox of The Vibrators sings a duet
with you. Are you and The Vibrators close friends.. They are such
cool guys..
Tara Rez: We
always wanted to write a song involving our band name like the
Ramones even though that song was written by Motorhead, it was an
important song for us to write as it was also the duel story - was
important to us someone else sung the tune with me, but also very
important that we both adored the person who was singing.
Andy Thierum: We always used to bump into Knox in Camden as we
stood at the pub, and he'd smile at us and stop for a beer and a
chat - love his personal character and his band - was an honor to
have him on board.
Globe: Also really enjoyed you live version of "Pet Sematary" and
Ain't it Fun" by The Dead Boys.. The entire CD is good..
Tara Rez: Thank
you, I would say they are two of the bands that have spurred us
on, We hope we did them justice!
Globe: Do you and Andy write all your material?
Tara Rez: Yes
we do, we wrote a song together within half an hour of meeting ..
Was good enough sign that we were in sync as to the direction we
were going in - after walking out of the music stuff I was doing,
spent ages, trying out various people to work with, looking for a
specific special sound that excited me from my core!¦ it came in
the end, thru an add in the melody maker in the form of Andy.
Globe: What bands influence The Duel? I know that Andy really digs
X-Ray Specs..
Tara Rez: The
Ramones, Dead Boys, Sex Pistols, The Damned, The Clash,
Stranglers, Plasmatics, Xray Spex, Vibrators, Uk Subs.
Punk Globe:
Anyone you enjoy listening to?
Tara Rez: We
love all the punk bands, love going to shows, standing at the edge
or going nuts !!
Globe: I know that you have toured Europe. Have you made it over
to America yet or to Japan? The Japanese would love The Duel..
Tara Rez: We
did make it to USA, and got to play at CBGB'S before it shut and
The Continental - still one of our all time favorite memorable
gigs, and as for Japan, hopefully we will soon make connections
with peeps that can help us go to Japan and come back to USA,
Globe: You are currently working on a new CD. When will it be
finished and tell us the scoop on it..
Tara Rez: After
a fair bit of touring, we thought time for new tunes, after
rebellion Blackpool we set about doing this and we had been going
on and on about it for a while .., we wrote the songs pretty
quick, now its everything else that takes ages, guess the
pressures !! .
Andy Thierum: as one of the song titles goes '�modern day slave''
we are slaves, slaves to our freedom that's caught up in a vicious
circle and most of us are in it! The new album will be ready march
/April, after which we will do short tour here, then to Holland,
Germany, Vienna, and hopefully more .. We love gigging!!
Globe: Have you played with Amy Winehouse and did she drink all
your beer? I ask that because a band who toured with Amy and the
band complained they drank all the beer..
Tara Rez: I
don't know her to be honest, yeah I've seen her around but - , but
we don't really hang at the same places . Andy knows her tho.
Andy Thierum: I know her from bars around Camden , I can give
most people a run for there money when it comes to beer ,haha no
one touches my beer !
Globe: Tell us about the best show that The Duel has played so
Tara Rez: Ooh u
know I know what I said earlier about CBGB'S & The Continental
- put it like that and I'd have to say all of them - apart from
the ones where we got all our possessions stolen, arrested and or
fights broke out!
Globe: If you had a chance to play a show with any bands who would
you pick?
Tara Rez: -
Hard question too many diamond bands to choose from - we're
fortunate that we played with some of the bands we love already
that are still going. We're tarts tho, weâ??ll play with anyone ;
) X
Globe: Do you have a favorite venue you enjoy to play ?
Tara Rez: 12
Bar we love - Rebellion Festival we are always excited about
playing and hanging out at - last year we decided Rebellion was
punk rock heaven and Darren was its God!! lol
Globe: Can you give the readers addresses for your Website, My
Space and Label?
Globe: Thanks so much for the interview .. Is there any final
words you would like to leave for our readers?
Tara Rez: Well
it took us a while to do this, but its because we think the world
of you Ginger ! And would love to sit down and find out more about
you too! Maybe one day we'll have that pleasure!! xx
I hope
you enjoyed the interview with the talented Ms. Tara Rez and Andy
Thierum from The Duel. We hope if you have not yet seen The Duel
That you make it a priority to check them out A.S.A.P... I would
personally like to thank Tara and Andy for the interview and The
Duel for providing us with their "Ass Kicking - Good Music..."