Mary Powers- We have two new members: Danny, our new guitar player and Roger our new drummer.
Punk Globe: Right on. Do you each have a couple of words for the readers?
Danny Dorman- We just had a great New Years Eve gig with the Mau Maus, Fangs on Fur and the Gears. Tonight was just fantastic.
Evol Powers- I just want to say that it's a new year, we have new songs, and new members. Everyone is really kicking ass, working out new material so we'll have more new songs soon. We're going to be doing a residency in February here at the Redwood on Tuesday nights with female acts and it's gonna be rad.
Punk Globe: Awesome. Can you refresh the Punk Globe reader's memories and give a run down of your musical influences?
Danny Dorman- My influences have always been punk rock and rock n roll: Black Flag, Wasted Youth, Circle One, Circle Jerks and Aggression.
Mary- He's played in those bands.
Danny Dorman- Yeah (laughing) bands that I've played in. I've played in all those bands except Black Flag.
Roger DeLong- Once again, I'll give everything to Zappa.
Mary Powers- (laughing) Frank or Moon? Or what's the other one... Dweezle!
Roger DeLong- (laughing) The only one that counts: Frank!
Evol Powers- Punk rock, death rock, heavy metal: Joy Division, Circle Jerks... and just about everyone from Bauhaus to Bad Brains.
Mary Powers- I love Nina Hagen and Lene Lovich, which is funny because they were good friends.
Mary Powers- Punk Globe! Here is the thing... I need to find my counterpart. My "Nina Hagen" or my "Lene Lovich," whoever I am. They were both very interesting performers who weren't threatened by each other. Almost everyone I come across is like, "Oh, you're a singer and you're a girl... Oh."
Evol Powers- It's true!
Mary Powers- Though, you know who isn't like that? The Agnew clan: Kelly Kaos and Mary Sims Rosas are very cool. They're not all...
Evol Powers- "Don't you know who I am?" (laughing)
Mary Powers- Yeah! Let's share and rock... and be other people's musical influences.
Punk Globe: That's good to hear; it can definitely get pretty catty out there. I love the meaning behind Death on the Radio. Can you give us a refresher?
Mary Powers- (laughing) It was born in a bathtub of gin and meth... I'm surprised it didn't explode.
Evol Powers- (laughing) Seriously... Death on the Radio means that we hate everything that's on the radio and think that the radio as it is needs to die.. or change. Death as change.
Mary Powers- It's a new year and it's time for change.
[ So at this point in the interview a group of people from the show expressed an interest in the process. Incidentally, they happen to be both fans of Ginger Coyote and loyal Punk Globe readers with some questions of their own. How could one refuse? ] Anonymous PG Reader- What do you think of Lydia Lunch and Siouxsie and the Banshees?
Mary Powers- Lydia Lunch is fucking amazing! Siouxsie and the Banshees, -through all their transitional years- are just phenomenal. And Siouxsie is still out there rocking now. I love the stuff Lydia Lunch did with Nick Cave. The Birthday Party are also great influences. All top notch performers.
Anonymous PG Reader- Do you like bacon?
Roger DeLong- Who doesn't like bacon?
Anonymous PG Reader- Give me the most off the wall combo, using bacon.
Roger DeLong- Bacon and dark chocolate.
Mary Powers- Don't they have ice cream with bacon?
Anonymous PG Reader- You can deep fry that shit!
Evol Powers- Bacon and dry wall. How about that?
Roger DeLong- You guys are making me hungry!
Punk Globe: Seeing as how we're about a block away from the Blade Runner tunnel, do you guys have any favorite movies?
Danny Dorman- The Man Who Would Be King; The Boys From Brazil... I could go on and on.
Roger DeLong- It's a toss up between Harold & Maude and Dogma for me.
Evol Powers- The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Natural Born Killers; Clockwork Orange, of course.
Danny Dorman- Montag the Magician!
Anonymous PG Reader- Hey! Have you ever seen, A Clockwork Orgy?
Evol Powers- (laughing) No, do you have a copy I could borrow?
Mary Powers- (laughing) We're having one at my house later...
Roger DeLong- Were you in that?
Mary Powers- Oh my, bacon and porn.
Evol Powers- I love silent movies.
Anonymous PG Reader- I rarely watch porn, but when I do, I watch it with the sound off...
Danny Dorman- That sounds like a beer ad!
Punk Globe: I love our readers. Do you have any recommendations, like year in review style? And, do you have any musical forecasts for 2012? Forecasts, or perhaps what you'd like to be seeing in the new year.
Evol Powers- The Livingstons' new album is fucking great. I definitely recommend checking it out.
Mary Powers- I'd like to see talented musicians being spotlighted. The Livingstons are great.
Evol Powers- Symbol Six's new album is awesome as well. And if you haven't checked out Aggression, do that. There's so much cool shit out.
All- And Death on the Radio!
Punk Globe: Of course!
Roger DeLong- I will say this... we're writing the material for 2012 and Death on the Radio will prove to be the new sound.
Mary Powers- That's our New Years resolution.
Evol Powers- And what else? Punk Globe will dominate in 2012. And don't worry about that Mayan calendar bullshit because what it used to say on the back was "See next calendar."
Danny Dorman- I hope to see all auto-tune machines just disintegrate!
Punk Globe: I know! Jay Z already called for the death of it...
Danny Dorman- And all this crappy cookie-cutter music... I just want it to all go away.
Punk Globe: What about political forecasts? Apocalypse or revolution?
Roger DeLong- Revolution!
Danny Dorman- Yeah!
Evol Powers- Every day is a revolution... you get back up and do it over again. A revolution is just one complete turn.
Danny Dorman- Punk rock is never having to say you're sorry.
Evol Powers- Make sure to check out Punk Globe every month cause it's always rad. And special thanks to Ginger Coyote cause she's just fucking amazing!
Mary Powers- I love Ginger Coyote! She's a major influence.
Evol Powers- Don't forget to check out Rebel Music TV and The Livingstons.
Mary Powers- And The Poor Kids Radio!
Evol Powers- Yes! Stay in the scene, support local music, be true to yourself, and no matter what you do, be free.
After the interview Evol and Mary posed for a couple of pics in the Blade Runner tunnel on 2nd St. Punk Globe would like to thank Death on the Radio for the interview https://www.facebook.com/deathontheradio |