I recently got the chance to check out Dave Klein Drummer for Agent Orange's recording studio out. I asked Dave for an interview about his baby, Dave Klein Recording... Dave was cool enough to answer all my questions... I know that I walked away a much more informed about recording...
Dina Cancer & Brandden Blackwell - 45 Grave

Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview. Is Dave Klein Recording the proper name of your recording studio?
Dave: Howdy Punk Globe! Yes that’s the name of my studio and business.
Punk Globe: Tell the readers where your studio is located?
Dave: Yep, I’m located in the hills of Highland Park community in Los Angeles.
Punk Globe: You are currently playing drums in Agent Orange and I know that you have played in other bands prior. When did you decide to get into recording?
Dave: Since the first record I played on at the age of 17 I was hooked on recording. I would always get involved as much as I could at the studios we worked at and asked questioned. I didn’t get super serious about it until around 2004 when I did an internship/assistant at a large studio in Los Angeles called Conway Studios. From there I started recording records regularly, sharpening my skills and learning my craft.
Tom Coyne - 45 Grave

Punk Globe: How long did it take for you to get the proper gear to start a Recording Studio?
Dave: Unless you are wealthy real quality gear can be costly but way worth the investment.
Studios are a constant work in progress, they have no end to how much gear you can acquire, it’s like a bottomless pit. They call it G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). I’ve been working on my set up for years and years. There’s still a bunch of stuff I would like to have in my studio.
John Ciulik
Dwayne Peters Gun Fight

Punk Globe: Had you worked in any other recording studios ? Because you have currently have pro gear that you are working with and have alot of knowledge about recording.
Dave: Like I had mentioned earlier I worked at Conway Studios (R.I.P.) legendary studio that was located on Melrose Blvd in Los Angeles just down the road from the Paramount Television Studios. We had a lot of celebrities and high-end clients that came through while I was working there. Some of the artists that I recall were: Snoop Dog, Paris Hilton, AFI, Maroon 5, Prince, Lyle Lovett’s band, The Roots, Julio Iglesias, Bowser from Sha NaNa, Dave Matthews, Peter Asher and even a remote session with Michael Jackson. While working there I even spoke on the phone with the crowned Prince of Benin who at the time was involved with Michael Jackson.
Punk Globe: Do you have a backline of gear that you have available?
Dave: Yes I do, I have a bunch of gear including drums, amps & vintage keyboards.
Punk Globe: Does touring with Agent Orange prevent you from recording projects?
Dave: Yes and no. Obviously I can’t work on recordings while on tour but it does give me a chance to take a break from the studio and clear my head for a bit, gives me a healthy brain and ear break and I always come back from tour refreshed and ready to jump back in the studio. Touring helps me connect with other bands all over the world which has lead to me working with on their projects from post-production, mix, mastering and also session work playing keys or drums. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to see the world and meet other bands, it has lead to me working with some great people.
Punk Globe: When you were young was your first desire to play the drums or had you been interested in the sound and recording?
Dave: I started out playing piano at home and drums in the elementary school band, recording came later as I started playing in bands and on records.
Punk Globe: Do you record digitally and analog at your location in Highland Park?
Dave: I work digitally but with high end analog preamps and converters on the front and back end. I had a tape machine for years but had not touched it for over a decade and recently sold it, would rather see it be used instead of collecting dust in the corner. Digital is not necessarily a bad thing if it’s done right, digital also has a wider audio range than analog.
Punk Globe: I know many bands like that analog sound... Working as the engineer do you also get asked to produce the project as well?
Dave: I do both, 99% of the projects I work on I produce along with engineering. The best projects I’ve worked on have been co-productions between the band and I.
Punk Globe: Are alot of your clients from word of mouth?
Dave: Yes, either from past clients referrals or social media. The biggest compliment is from all the repeat customers I have and referrals from bands I’ve worked with.
Dukes Flyswatter - Haunted Garage,
Carrott Topp - Radioactive Chickenheads,
Mike Odd - Rosemary’s Billygoat

Punk Globe: Tell us some of the bands who have used your studio?
Dave: Some of the artists I’ve worked with:
Agent Orange, 45 Grave, Mac Sabbath, Guttermouth, Radioactive Chickenheads, Throw The Goat, Gamblers Mark, The Love Me Nots, The Droogs, The Ghastly Ones, In The Whale, The Tankerays, The Whining Pussys, The Bots, The Hellflowers, The UnPresidented (Tony Adolecents, Tom 45 Grave, Jaime Chemical People), John Ciulik (Dwayne Peters Gun Fight, Gross Polluter), Chelsea Hatton (Green Jelly), The Scurvy Kids, The Curse (from Sweden), The Sloths, The Unclaimed, The Atom Age, Palmyra Delran and Bubble Gun (featuring Kim Shattuck), Casey Royer, John O’Donnovan (Adolescents, Yeasty Boys, Target 13), Ray Stevens II (The Faction, Drunk Injuns, Clay Wheels) pro skater Chuck Treece (Mc Rad, Bad Brains), pro skater Sal Barbier.
Some of the tv & movies I’ve worked on:
Thrasher Magazine - King of The Road series (2016 intro theme), The Adventures of Crash Tucker, The Vampire Diaries, Disrupted, Raising Hope (FOX Television), The Academy, Night Of The Demons (2009), Los Campeones De La Lucha, Starship Troopers, Sponge Bob Squarepants, Board Heads, music featured in Tony Hawk 2
Punk Globe: I know that on Instagram that you post alot of pictures of recording sessions that you are recording or just finished recording. Do you have any projects that you have enjoyed best?
Dave: That’s a tough question, they all have their moments. Over the years I’ve enjoyed and have had interesting and fun experiences in the studio. Music production is something I really love doing and I really get into my work. Since I’m a guy who got into this because I love it, they’re all a little special to me. Hopefully that doesn’t sound too goofy.
Punk Globe: Not at all Dave! Tell the readers about the size of water that you have at the studio and why you use that size?
Dave: I use the little size waters, I kept finding half drank water bottles all over my studio after sessions and was pouring them out into my plants so I switched to the baby size bottles. It’s less water waste.
Punk Globe: Do you rely on social media alot?
Dave: Yes, the majority of my business is from word of mouth combined with social media posts on Facebook & Instagram.
Kim Shattuck - Muffs, Palmyra Delran

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses that you would like to share with us.
Punk Globe: You had mentioned that you were leaving town to record. I assume the band have a studio or do you do remote recording services?
Dave: A rad band from Savannah GA called Pussy Launcher is flying me out to produce and record their record. We’re actually recording it at a nightclub there that the guitarist from the band owns. I do mobile recording too, most recently I traveled to several different clients houses to record them with their piano in it’s natural habitat. I enjoy dealing with the issues that come up with doing this, it’s healthy to work outside of your normal comfort zone and I have learned a lot from doing it.
Punk Globe: Any final words for Punk Globe readers?
Dave: Keep on starting bands, writing, playing and having fun with music! I work with bands on all levels so feel free to contact me if you would like to work with me, I’ll make your band sound great and we’ll have fun during the process!
Chuck Treece - Pro Skater & McRad