MAY 2016


The Legendary

Dave Dictor


Interview By: Ginger Coyote

I first met Dave when MDC were The Stains and they first came to San Francisco to play a show at The Mabuhay Gardens...... I let them stay at my apartment and we have been friends ever since..... I got the chance to interview Dave while he has been out on tour which will bring them to California and with a show at Punk Rock Bowling on May 27th... Here is my interview with the legendary Dave Dictor....

Hey Dave! Thanks for answering a few questions. Has MDC ever played at Punk Rock Bowling before?

Dave Dictor:
Yeah, we've played one Punk Rock Bowling. I believe it was 3 ago, we played with Verbal Abuse, Subhumans, D.R.I. and even Devo played that show. It was great, a lot of fun, the Stern brothers treated us very nicely, we had a room at the Golden Nugget. I recommend it to anybody, it's a little corporate, but isn't everything? I had fun.

Will MDC already be touring when you play this year at Punk Rock Bowling? Yes. We're currently in the middle of a 22 day April tour, we'll be playing 10 gigs in May and Punk Rock Bowling is smack dab in the middle. We'll also be playing Oakland with La Plebe, and the Doll Hut in L.A. among other shows.

If so, where will you be playing during the week before the show?

Dave Dictor:
We've got ten gigs: Oakland, Los Angeles, Watsonville, Fresno, San Luis Obispo, Reno, Palm Springs, Sacramento, and of course, Punk Rock Bowling.

I am really excited to join you on stage on Friday May 27th at The Las Vegas Country Saloon. What time does the show start and what other bands will be playing that night?

Dave Dictor:
I believe it's a standard show, people can google that info. Doors are probably around 8, first band at 9, followed by us, Slapshot, I think Infest, and Poison Idea is headlining.

During this years event Che Treichel Mascolino and myself will be interviewing various people for the Ginger Coyote Rock Documentary that One Finger Films will be releasing. We definitely would like to interview you for the film at some time during your time there...

Dave Dictor:
For you Ginger, anything. My 35 year in punk rock friend, I look forward to it.

I will call you tp set up a time.... It seems that The Las Vegas Country Saloon will also be playing host for Roddy Radiation who will be playing there on Monday May30th who we will also be interviewing. I imagine you will be long gone by then?

Dave Dictor:
Yes, we're only spending a day and a half in Vegas. We have other shows to get to, Palm Springs and then L.A. right after Punk Rock Bowling.

Will you be touring by yourself or will you be on the road with other bands?

Dave Dictor:
We'll be by ourselves on this tour.

Tell us about your upcoming book? When is it going to be released and will it be about yourself and MDC?

Dave Dictor:
Two year ago I became ill and started writing it when I was in the hospital. I had nothing else to do, I was in a strange city without any friends around, but having an iPhone and Facebook encouraged me to write little snippets of my life. People reacted in a very positive way, that's when I knew this book had to happen. I touch on almost everyone who's been in MDC. The official release date is May 1st, but I'm selling it on this tour. It's available through mail order on Dynamite vinyl, you can email them at infresno@yahoo.com or call 559-266-PUNK

Who will be releasing the book and do you have a release date as of yet?

Dave Dictor:
Officially May 1st, but I really wanted it for the tour so it's kinda out now. But we're having a Berkeley book release party with Manic D Press, my fabulous publishing company. You can pre-order on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

How long has the book been in making?

Dave Dictor:
Parts of it go back 15 years when I was a writer for Maximum Rock and Roll, but in earnest, two years ago I started remembering stories and connecting it all together as I lay in a hospital bed.

Any plans to for a book tour?

Dave Dictor:
Not at this point, because we have a lot of gigs planned with the band. I'm reading at my shows, I planned some bookstore and record store reads, I did this in Philly and will be doing it in Texas as well. I really enjoy spoken word and reading from my book, I find it a fun thing to do. Basically, as a singer and songwriter I'm a story teller, and this is just another form of story telling. I was very ill during the writing of this book. I've since healed myself, I want to tour, and play, and I want to be a part of transforming the world through punk culture. Creating a new world in the shell of the old.

Do you have any Internet addresses that you would like to share with the readers?

Dave Dictor:
www.facebook.com/david.dictor Ron Posner, our original guitarist who is in the band but not on this tour has put together a very thorough website. There's a complete discography, there are many pictures, stories of MDC throughout the eras, it's a very interesting site. www.mdc-punk.com

Are you feeling the Bern for this years election?

Dave Dictor:
Yes, I feel that Bernie is a sincere, good man. I'm not a Hilary hater, but I am scared shitless of all those republican fucks.

I agree I like Bernie but will support Hilary.... Any last words for Punk Globe readers?

Dave Dictor:
Can't wait to see you on the 27th at The Las Vegas Country Saloon. Yeah, two things: First thing, No Trump, No KKK, No fascist USA. Secondly, enjoy your life, have purpose, kick ass, and always be true to yourself. Oh, and mean people suck.

MDC is a queer punk band, go figure it out. We're part of the fluid, genderfuck, accepting proud queer community. We're kind of like a powderpuff boy band, we save the world and make it home by dinnertime.

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