Welcome back, my glorious punks and punkettes and observers of
the eccentric! I truly hope you're all safe and well in light
of mother nature telling everyone across the planet, "Gimme
Seriously, let me extend my love, prayers and hopes of good
things for the people who survived the horrific tornadoes this
past spring in Tuscaloosa and Joplin and all points in between.
To those who lost loved ones in the fury of the storms, bless
you and keep you strong and know that the country is indeed
praying for you and keeping you wrapped in thoughts of healing
Ok, so much for my softer side which I know most of you are
going, "She has a softer side??". Yes, bitches, I do, shut up
and deal with it. Moving forward....
Kathy Bates, the actress, had a line in the movie, "Come Back to
the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" that used to crack me
up and I'd use it from time to time about how she liked
kids...with a side order of baked beans and cole slaw.
Outrageous, and guaranteed to make people pause and ponder for a
bit and perhaps emit a few giggles. But trust me, even though
I'm not a huge fan of the idea "you must be a mother to be a
complete woman", there are instances when I have to open my big
mouth and rant and rave over child issues, like I did last month
with the baby beauty pageant bullshit and now this month, I
gravitate to the child safety and welfare cause because of a
low life, scum sucking, worthless piece of shit who is breathing
our air that goes by the name of Casey Anthony.
Casey Anthony is the living proof after birth walks on two
legs individual who is in jail and on trial for the alleged
murder of her own three old year daughter, Caylee Anthony. If
convicted, the state of Florida is seeking the death penalty in
this case, and I, for one, would gladly volunteer to pull the
switch on this bitch!
Here's the story in a nutshell. Single mother (and I use that
term loosely) Casey Anthony was a sometimes working woman with a
three year old daughter, Caylee. Living a fairly descent life
without too many obstacles, Casey had the support of her brother
and parents who loved her and adored little Caylee and they both
lived in the home of George and Cindy Anthony until June 16,
2008. At that time, Casey left the home with Caylee and that's
where the story gets ugly.
For a month solid, little Caylee 's presence at her
grandparents home was non existant and when questioned by her
parents as to Caylee's where abouts, Casey would dodge the
little girl's absence by saying she was with the nanny, or out
at theme parks and yada yada yada bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Finally, when pressed by her brother as to why she wouldn't let
her family see the little one, the story out of Casey's mouth is
that Caylee was abducted by her nanny and she had no idea where
they were and so on and so forth.
30 fucking days "missing" and this nut job tells no one her
daughter has been kidnapped; no police, no family, no friends,
no one!! But in the mean time, she's out partying, entering
"hot bod" contests at clubs, photographed being sexy with
members of both sexes, getting tattoos, and so on and so on.
Her reasoning for not saying anything sooner: she was afraid.
So finally when this steaming pile of shit story comes out of
her mouth, her mother calls 911 immediately, in hysterics,
naturally, and reports Caylee missing on July 15, 2008. The
following day, Casey Anthony is arrested for giving false
statements, child neglect and hinderance in an investigaton, all
the time spinning tales of the abduction by nanny, who didn't
exist, and including additional people in the story line who
also did not exist but were nothing more than allegedly
characters created in Casey Anthony's own mind to confuse people
and take the burden of guilt off her shoulders. I'm surprised
that this twat waffle didn't include the boogeyman, the Easter
bunny and Santa Clause in her list of people who were
responsible for Caylee going missing because she created such an
extensive list of imaginary villians that it's mind boggling!!
Casey Asshole was released from jail, one month later, when her
half million dollar bond was posted by a bail bondsman, Leonard
Padilla. She gets arrested AGAIN on August 29, 2008, for a
whole shit load of deviance including forgery, fraudulent use of
personal information, and swiping the credit cards of people and
charging up a storm. At this time, her previous bond is
Nope, she swears up and down, left and right, she had nothing
to do with Caylee going missing. Uh uh, no sir, not her, but
yet, when Casey's journals were reviewed, on June 21, five days
after Caylee left the grandparents home with her mother, this
entry was made by Ca Ca Mom: " I have no regrets, just a bit
worried. I just want for everything to work out OK. I completely
trust my own judgment and know that I made the right decision. I
just hope that the end justifies the means. I just want to know
what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see – This
is the happiest that I have been in a very long time. I hope
that my happiness will continue to grow– I've made new friends
that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people– I
am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change."
Hmmm, let's see....could this new found happiness have anything
to do with the computer searches done on "neck breaking" and
Well guess what, bitch...game over! On December 15, 2008, the
remains of little Caylee Anthony were found in a secluded area,
not far from her grandparents home. The little one had duct
tape over her nose and mouth, her body then stuffed into a
garbage bag and then left in the woods for animals to feed on
like a piece of tossed out meat.
If you watch any of her taped prison visits with her family, or
watch her appearance in court, this is one self centered,
heartless, sick, narcisstic bitch!!! Most people would be
emotional wrecks and distraught to the point of hysteria if
supposedly wrongly accused of the death of their child but Casey
Anthony is so emotionless in the whole matter, that the only
time she feigns any reaction, it's about as expressive as if
nothing more happened to her than a snagged hang nail!
It is horrible enough when children go missing, or are
abducted by non custodial parents or strangers in general, or
the children are killed by their mother due to extreme
depression and loss of reality, but when a child is missing and
then found dead and abandoned with all fingers pointing to the
birth mother, basically for nothing more than wanting to be a
single party girl without any responsibilities, this goes to the
point of morbidly obscene.
I could go on and on and on about the bizarre, twisted story
of Casey Anthony and what this wretched bitch has done and lied
about, but it would take up an entire issue of PG, and frankly,
I don't wish to give this twat more of my energy than I already
Although I have felt sadness and grief over many lost children
and adults due to whatever circumstances brought about their
absence or demise, this case of irreprehensible selfishness and
deceit by Casey Anthony is so ludicris in it's depths of
deception and horror that it's like a sliver in my ass...you
feel it, but sometimes you just can't get the fucking thing out
from under your skin.
And although this beautiful little baby is gone from this
earth, I am at peace knowing she is in a safer place. She
didn't deserve what happened to her and her "mother" didn't
deserve to have been blessed with Caylee as her daughter.