The Rise of Palace Depression/Darker
Double Album
The Cryptkeeper Five
by Carl Macki

Song List
The Rise of Palace
the phoenix of the
stop drop & roll
truly yours, the king of the hill
losing superman
sweet baby jane
no one will know
let go
sweet you
I am what you left behind
et tu brute
hang on, sweetpea
time to go
magnetic north
Darker Days
the death of hope ii
how to spot the antichrist?
sleeperhold & eulogy
misled at the deathbed
motherfucker, motherfucker, motherfuckers
the calm before the storm
riot #one
the murder song
the desperate man & and the deadweight
driftwood & seafoam
below e the death of hope iii
the return of the machine
Bony Orbit
PO Box 237601
Cocoa FL 32972

Guitar/Vocals: Scotty Engel!
Guitar/Vocals: Jimmy Ray Roadblock
Piano: Cobra
Sax: Blue Madigan
Bass: Jack
Drums: Destruction Truck Graves
Continuing with their unique convergent sound that put out in
their fifth record, Trenton Makes the Cryptkeeper Five (2004) NJ's
Cryptkeeper Five released this two CD package from Bony Orbit
Records late last year. At first I wondered whether this would be
a painful experience. the two albums were named "The Rise Of
Palace Depression" and "Darker Days."
While the songs seem to deal with negative themes, the way they
treat the theme is cause for celebration, not depression.
I was
quite impressed with the depth and cohesion of the band--the
comparison to the E Street Band was not just braggadocio
At other times the main singer seems to even slice into some
Meatloaf--or Rocky Horror--I was brought to contemplate the way
the band uses 50s doo-wop: like Frank Zappa, not Frankie Valli and
the Four Seasons!
punk here has been disguised, like putting it into a glitzy dress,
but there is a strong layer of it, a lot of it. These guys are
really talented and original, despite the borrowings; and sound
like they would be a powerful theatrical experience live.
Johnny the main vocalist, has a decent range, and when he is
rasping, which is often, it reminds me of a power saw hitting
metal, causing sparks.
The band is going to be touring
this year. So far they don't seem to
be going much farther than up and down the Atlantic seaboard.
Maybe that will change if these CDs get more notice.
