by Carl Macki

Laughter From Below
by The Compulsions
(no sale price listed)
John Andrews -- Guitar
Jon Weber -- Drum
Brett Bass Bass
Rob Carlyle Vocals, Guitar
Track Listing
Down on the Tracks
Shake Hands with the Devil
Dance Around the Fire
My Favorite Wine
Howlin' for You
Turn it On

Hard Rock Punk blues
mixing it up New York Style, a little bit of reggae thrown in,
The Compulsions are one of the best bands that people outside
of the Big Apple have never heard of.
I don't want to
compare them to any other band--many have played the sound alike
game, with GNR and the New York Dolls on the top of the lists.
Let it be said The Compulsions aspire to a classic, timeless
blues sound that speaks well of the entire genre of rock 'n'
roll. Listening to them reminds me of the line by Brownie McGhee
-- "The blues had a baby and they called it rock 'n' roll."
This album comes at
your with no breathing space, like a zombie with arms
outstretched fingers around your neck. Maybe they should relax a
little bit, have a little more fun, take the rock'n'roll career
business thing a little less seriously.
A great band! I'd like to hear more of their
music. This is tasty, an apertif.