I like Veggie Pizza with....
Interview With Colleen Caffeine
from Choking Susan
By Michael Rys
The Rebellion Festival in
England is not only going to have some of the worlds best bands
around this summer, fans will be treated to a special brand of Punk.
Choking Susan's brand,Detroit's own.Unique its personal content,and
the vocal delivery of one Colleen Caffeine.Her stage presence not
unlike a cheetah lazily lounging in her tree,then pouncing on her
blissfully unaware lunch. The band takes a backseat to no-one and
are as tight as they come with a pounding bass and drums that'll
have your grandma po-go-ing half the night.Some of the tastiest punk
rock leads you'll ever wanna here too.An all out visual and sonic
They have a cd out now called 'The FBI Did It' and for only $8.00
ppd its a bargin,considering the amount of time it will spend in
your CD player! When Choking Susan comes your way, make sure your
there.You'll be in for a treat, and damn ,they are friendly folk
So pull up a chair,grab a tea and enjoy the conversation with
Colleen Caffiene

MR- Ok Colleen , I gotta start off with an off the wall one.
Is there a story , or person behind the band name?
CC-The band name came from a cheesy old
cheaply made porno..all good things start or finish with sex but
hopefully not prematurely
MR- I hear hints of influences in your vocal style but your
definatly unique.Was it a consious thing or just developed of time?
CC- I'm still pretending to sing..I didn't say
that outloud did i?
MR-Who are you biggest musical influences growing up?
CC- Musicals? I never watched Annie! ok just
once...just once everyday of my life! who told you???when the fuck
is the sun going to come out , tomorrow????
MR- Choking Susan has performed with some living legends over the
years, any band or person that was your biggest thrill?Any stories
you can or want to share with us?
CC-Ok, serious time..Nidge from Blitz ..I went
all pathetically fannish when he showed us kindness, than showed us
respect and asked us to cover "Warriors" for his upcoming Blitz
tribute cd..he had the Distillers cover it earlier but said they
didn't get the guitar right..right before his untimely death, we
recorded it and he loved it! we were on top of the world to have a
hero of ours that we grew up on like our music and want us to do
his....it didnt get any better than that.and than to be friends with
him too was incredible...Keith, the guitarist, had the Warriors logo
tattooed on him right before his last performance in Detroit and was
able to show him and hangout with him..I missed the show but had
spoken to him on the phone that day..we will always miss Nidge..
MR-Your playing the Rebelllion fest this summer.Is that the biggest
show to date you've played?
CC-It's the biggest punk festival in the world

MR- is it hard playing a gig with people you've admired for years
and all of a sudden your sharing the same stage? in other words do
you find your self still being a fan, or is all buisness?
CC-I'm only a fan...will always be just a
fan..we played CBGB's before it closed and I licked the stage right
before we were finished playing our set..the very stage my heroes
walked on
MR-You written some really good stuff in your blog, very poetic, and
stuff I can see easily becoming songs.How do Choking Susan songs
come into being?
CC- I get pissed off or hurt and bam, a song
is born! they pretty much write themselves! luckily for me the world
is a toilet and I'm in a constant flush...the band as a whole writes
the music end of it
MR-You had few side projects over the years can you tell us about
some of them? Are there anymore planned for the immediate future?
CC- With the cleverness of the internet I was
able to record with a Spanish band the Safety Pins and a solo artist
from the UK , Wayne Zenith..Wayne and I made an EP and the Safety
Pins and I are in the process of completing songs for an EP..the
only other project I had in the works is an all female band called
"The Jon Benets"
MR- Who would give your right uhmm... well who would you just love
to work with if you had your pick of the litter out there today?
CC- I want to be a Spice Girl...Caffeine Spice
has a nice ring to it..at least I'm a flavor..

MR- Detroit has produced some dynamic bands over the years ,some
"made it" some didnt.Who out there impresses you most now....
CC-Everyone on my bands top myspace
friends..seriously,great stuff!
MR-I love the honesty , and freshness of not just the music on
Choking Susan's last Cd but the lryics are fantastic too. Are we
going to have the pleasure of hearing any new material soon?
CC- why thank you!we have a few new songs
ready to record..one is about Detroit ,another is called "Tie me up,
Tie me down"...
MR-Whats Coleen doing for fun in Detroit these days. Sports, art,
watching other bands? Does Detroit or Michigan still have a "scene"?
CC-Detroit is very "clicky" but there alot of
great music supporters out there..its amazing the amount of great
music that comes out of dingy bars here everyweekend played to a
crowd of 20 people.. colleen has no fun ! :)
MR- Are you and the band looking at any extensive tours in the US
anytime this fall?
always tour talks..Italy,Japan, California are some of the more
serious ones..we'll wait to see what happens :)
MR- From my perspective you seem to have a great if not somewhat
personal relationship with fans of the band.Thats really something I
respect alot.What do you as an artist get from that?
CC- It always pisses me off when people dont
want to know their "fans"..as I said, I'm a fan...why would anyone
not want to chat with those that love them? its crazy! I'm so
grateful for anyone thats listened to us, liked us, come out to see
us, said a good word about us or to us..we really don't have fans
because they immediately become are our friends..
MR- I've asked this of everyone I've talked to here in one form or
another so I cant spare you. Myspace help, or hell?
CC-Help!! its opened up the world to
us...anyone in a band that says its hell has an egotistical stick up
their asses or they just plain suck
MR-Are you a lifer? Do you see yourself still kicking it on stage in
10, 15 or 20 years or do you think you'll move on to different
CC-My dad said when I was 12 yrs old
,listening to the ramones and looking for blue hair dye that he
can't wait til I grow out of my "punk phase"
MR- It Saturday night I got $50.00 bucks and the wife's car for
night. Why do I go see Choking Susan over any other act in town that
CC-Cause I'm your bud and you owe me an Elvis
Hitler ticket! LOL..because you will be entertained and get slammed
with some great music..absolutely guarenteed great time with us!
MR- For those visiting the big D from out of town where are they
gonna get the best Veggie pizza?
CC-my house ,of course
Photos By Bernie and Robert Barry Francos