I myself prefer alot of the sounds coming from the sunny state of California and the East Bay. Much more than alot of UK Punk.
I personally find it is easier to listen to. Softer with a great punk tempo, no hard raw anger like UK Punk bands often have.
Maybe from all that anarchy in The UK I dunno Californians are chilled out people way more than we are here.
Its just like the music from there is more chilled out with California's mellow sunshine and Pot! Or like a bottle of Californian fine wine. You can feel it! It flows with the bands sounds and I much prefer to listen to it.
Civil War Rust are a amazing young punk band from the East Bay.. Their first album had me hooked in, I reviewed their first release which was a 3 track demo in Punk Globe. Give them a listen and when you will discover a great bunch of guys!
On March 13th 2012 they released their brand new full length album "The Fun. and The Lonely," on All For Hope Records.
This is the bands second album, I was lucky enough to hear some sneak previews, with the bands teasers they posted on their Facebook page.. i was already dying for the whole album to be released like an impatient fan- Yes i proudly called myself a fan! ...
After the first listen I was hooked line and sinker with this Album played it repeatably... Which I thought I would!
I love this band and I love this new album! Its bursting with energy !! Especially having that distinctive crisp raw voice! Which I remembered their from first album. I must say the vocals help make that original sound.
The Album was produced by Willie Samuels who helped create an album with their amazing music at Nu-Tone Studios
1. Whipping Star2. Walking Down Ward3. Mayday4. Freight Train5. Balloons & Bouquets6. Legalized Romance7. Seven Down8. You’ve Got A Friend9. Hymns Of The Canary10. Diving
Civil War Rust have packed their hometowns famous venue 924 Gilman St so many times. They need to jump on a plane and come to play the UK and show us English punks what California punk is made of!!
They were played on our UK's BBC Radio 1 at the end of March... I hope they were able to get some more English fans from this..
If you did not get to hear the show... then you must go check them out! Under my personal recommendation, not coz I love em, but because they re bloody damn good!
This New Album is one very awesome creation by Civil War Rust! If you don't check it out now, you are missing out on some great sounds. The Band are very happy with the end results. Their fans are ecstatic about it! I personally think it Rocks!
Punk Globe gives this one a Big Thumbs up .. So why are you still here reading?
Check out the brand new video. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpSBHXD5YGo&feature=youtu.be
find their facebook - https://www.facebook.com/#!/civilwarrust Buy Their Album - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-fun-the-lonely/id509525499 |