All Punk Poetry Issue

The editors of Chiron Review are reading submissions for an "All Punk Poetry" issue
to be guest-edited by Sarah Daugherty and published Dec. 2009.
Poetry, fiction, b/w line art, comics/cartoons, photos, nonfiction, whatever,
should be sent via snailmail with self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply/return to:
Chiron Review
Attn: PUNK
522 E. South Ave.
St. John, KS 67576.

Name and complete mailing address
should appear on every poem, story, etc.
Deadline: Sept. 1, 2009. Material is copyrighted in author's/artist's name.
Payment: one contributor's copy with 50% discount on additional copies.
(E-mail submissions are welcome, but please and complete mailing address. No PDF files.)

Chiron Review's website: http://chironreview.com

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