Johnny and Marilyn

Regular readers may remember from Johnny Paris's previous interview that he is a very talented makeup artist, originally from France but now living in the UK. Not too long ago he surprised me (pleasantly) by making contact in the guise of his new alter ego, the outrageous Candy Star. I couldn't wait to find out more and introduce her to Punk Globe readers.
Candy Star

Thanks for talking to Punk Globe Johnny, it's been quite a while. Last time you spoke to us you'd recently moved to Liverpool. How are you enjoying life there?
Johnny Paris:
Liverpool is an amazing city of culture, a great place for all kinds of artists to perform in different venues and I fell in love with the Liverpool skyline and scousers.
One fascinating development in your life since you moved there is Candy Star. Tell us how she came to be.
Johnny Paris:
Well, being a makeup artist I got bored and wanted to expand my knowledge and created a brand new character. My friend told me they were looking for new act at the iconic club Garlands so I jump into it and got the job. This is how Candy Star was born.
Candy Star

We'll come back to Candy soon but does she have any Punk influences?
Johnny Paris:
Yes she does; Blondie, Jayne County, The White Trash Debutantes, Miss Guy ( I love him), Sex Pistols and Vivienne Westwood ( Chris Griff a party host from Liverpool got me into her)
What about your musical influences?
Johnny Paris:
I love any kind of music from punk to jazz. At the moment I am really into house rave music. Deborah Harry and Miss Guy really did influence me a lot perhaps because of my very good friend Donna Destri.
Candy Star

I know you're very close with the amazing Donna, have you seen her since you last spoke to us?
Johnny Paris:
Sadly we been both very busy but we plan to meet soon after New Year. Miss her every day. We text each other every day making sure life treat us well. I always ask her "How are the dogs Donna?" I know how much she love them and we talk about art and what next we going to do. She is amazing woman. I love her so much. We are sisters.
Can we dig deeper into the character Candy Star? We've talked musical influences and the origin of Candy, but do you have any strong influences in the drag or LGBT community that helped to create the persona?
Johnny Paris:
Yes I did. RuPaul was a big influence. First time I see him in the 80's I was like - I wanna be her, lol. I also love Calpernia Addams (she is a great actress and performer), Amanda Lepore, Sharon Needles and the fabulous Divine.
Candy Star

Do you find that Johnny Paris and Candy Star are two different people or is she simply an extension of your creativity?
Johnny Paris:
We are 2 different people. Candy is not Johnny, just an illusion of the night; a character I put myself in like an actor. She is part of me and my creativity but not me.
"Candy is not Johnny, just an illusion of the night;..."
Do you find that drag artistry helps you to broaden your musical and creative horizons? If so, in what ways?
Johnny Paris:
As a makeup artist I never done or learn drag makeup so doing Candy extended my knowledge on makeup and making costumes too, its lots of fun. I am a shy person and Candy is a wild child. I do love her really.
Candy Star Photo by: Joanne Lawler

How did your friends and family react when you told them you were going to perform as a drag queen?
Johnny Paris:
I think my dad, who sadly passed away 5 years ago, would not appreciate this but my mother and family are very supportive and love what I do. My friends come to see me at my gigs too. I am lucky to say that nobody got any issue with my art, but it's harder to find a boyfriend who can handle me and Candy same times lol
Do you have any tips and insights that you can give to guys wanting to pursue a career in drag?
Johnny Paris:
Well, don't be afraid or ashamed. Drag is an art so if you know how to slap on makeup and outfit together, just be fabulous and go for it. My advice is never listen to negativity or gossip from other queens because this business is really competitive and bitchy, so you gotta be strong and clever.
Candy Star Photo by: Joanne Lawler

Thanks very much for taking the time to talk to us Johnny. In closing, what upcoming work can you tell us about and what can we be expecting in 2016?
Johnny Paris:
So far as I know I will keep working at Garlands Club and I do expect a gig in a different venue. 2016 will be pretty same as this year but I hope to do a summer tour (festival) and record a song too. I also recently did some work for Hollyoaks as Candy but my part was cut due to the weather. They ask me to come back the next day but I couldn't so I was gutted but I still got paid for this and I hope to do more jobs like this. Also more gore, horror or music videos but will see. All I can say is I will have a summer tour for sure but if you ever visit Liverpool come to find me in Garlands for a boogie and a selfie.
would like to thank Johnny Paris once again for his time and remind all our readers that, if you're ever in Liverpool, you should go and see him at Garlands for a boogie and a selfie. You can also find him online through the following links
Twitter @jpmakeupartist
By the way, for anybody who doesn't know it, Hollyoaks is a long-running soap that is on television every weekday in the UK.
Candy Star With Danny Birch