Thanks so much for the interview Brian. can you give us a little background in your self?
Brian McDaniel:
I'm trying to think of which part is interesting and NOTHING is coming to mind. I once had a hash dealer break into my hotel room in Italy and accuse me of stealing his shit. That night was way more interesting than most. I'm all dadded up now, and I love it.
I am sure that most Punk Globe readers will best remember you from TMZ. If my my memory serves me right you were one of the original reporters on the show when it hit the airwaves in 2007. Am I right?
Brian McDaniel:
OG (raises roof) wut wut. Ok, yes. I was hired on as the website developed into a TV show.
Punk Globe : Yay, I thought you were one of the originals!! Had you already started your career as a stand up comic when you started working with TMZ?
Brian McDaniel:
Nope. At TMZ Lisa Lampanelli told me I should start performing.
So, we have Lisa to blame....Your original job was working with Fox TV on a reality space right?
Brian McDaniel:
You make that sound much more official and intentional than it ever was.
I knew that you and Rick Mitchell started doing stand up shows with each and the later incorporated Katie Hayes into the show. Are you still performing comedy with them?
Brian McDaniel:
Here and there - it's tricky getting a bunch of people booked on one show together, but our bond of love lives on if that's what you're asking. Also Myke Anthony and Tony Sam performed in that crew quite a bit.
For a long time I saw you on TMZ, TMZ Sports and TMZ Live but for for the last few months you have been missing in action. Tell us what is up?
Brian McDaniel:
I left TMZ after 8 years. I had a lot of fun there but I needed to have more time to spend with my baby daughter. I got to do so many silly things there, and work lots of different professional skills. There are a lot of people I miss. I have made it clear on social media that I moved on for my family, but I appreciate the opportunity to reiterate it here. There's still internet questions about it all the time, in particular some guy with a username of bloadsoakedpeter who I just can't bring myself to respond to publicly. I hope he reads this and is satisfied. So gross.
You were everywhere... Than nothing...I recently got a notice about a new show Obviously... Tell us about that?
Brian McDaniel:
It's a web show I'm doing where I run down events in the week ahead, plus make jokes about them. In addition to delivering the content I'm running multiple cameras and switching angles and graphics in real time! It's not something you've ever seen before. It's succinct and fun, and I bring in new guests every week. I love it.
"...I'm running multiple cameras and switching angles and graphics in real time!"
So Obviously is on You Tube only? That's how Lisa Kudrow started Web Therapy.. Remember Punk Globe when you are booking guests.
Brian McDaniel:
For now. Facebook will always have links to it to. Facebook kind of screws you on content.
You describe Obviously as a show that explores the future... Can you be a bit more specific?
Brian McDaniel:
It's really a two part show, part one being a comedy take on the calendar of events in the week ahead, and part two being a little glimpse into something larger that is exposed in the events of the week ahead. I have a guest for part two and make sure to say enough dumb things to keep them on their toes.
Are you collaborating with other people on Obviously?
Brian McDaniel:
I think I need to, it's too difficult to do this on my own. Volunteers? Don't be janky.
How did you come up with the name?
Brian McDaniel:
Well the show is actually derived from a segment of a larger show I was pitching around Hollywood. It's called "obviously" because it seems like with most pop culture events you can really tell what's going to happen before they happen. For example, if there's an MTV award show, Kanye is going to troll everyone by doing something outrageous OBVIOUSLY, if Lindsay Lohan is going to court, she's gonna wriggle off the hook OBVIOUSLY etc. The thing is, once I started running down events for the week I couldn't bring myself to cover garbage like MTV and Lindsay Lohan, so the name isn't as good as it should be. Because now I'm focusing on things that are a little more subtle and not so easy to paint with a snarky cynical brush.
I see that you have done 5 episodes so far. Tell us is this a weekly show?
Brian McDaniel:
Yeah there will be releases every Wednesday.
Would you like to share any Internet addresses with the readers to get more information on Obviously?
Brian McDaniel:
Now you're shaming me for not having my website up. Fuck you Punk Globe.
Someone has to call you out! I saw a picture of you and Sharon Osbourne together and she had given you a really cool gift tell us about that?
Brian McDaniel:
Sharon is the most righteous tart I've ever met. She gave me an Ozzy signed guitar because she saw I bought a guitar at a benefit for autistic children (proceeds going to charity). She felt like giving me an extra thank you for that and she got Ozzy to sign a guitar and gave it to me the next week. Or who knows, maybe Jack signed it, or maybe it was one her million little dogs, I don't know IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS OK.
Describe yourself with three words?
Brian McDaniel:
Truth in advertising
What does the New Year hold in store for you?
Brian McDaniel:
More stellar content, obviously
Now, I must ask you this question for Punk Globe readers? What happened to Max Hodges and Peter O' Roidon ?
Brian McDaniel:
They're wearing leather in my basement.
Any parting words Brian?
Brian McDaniel:
Sorry I got distracted, two girls just came out of the Jamba Juice bathroom together. Spicy! Umm parting words...
"In for a penny in for a pound" is a garbage philosophy, you can win your way back to being human by making good decisions at the fringes. It reminds you who really are. Which is all that really matters.
Oh yeah, and that bit about Lisa Lampanelli is true.
"...you can win your way back to being human by making good decisions at the fringes."