by NeoTrad
No warnings or bells preliminary to Billy Druid (aka Chris Squire)'s
"Kali" is his brand new attack that will get you laid. The
melody is a hot melting kiss that bites your tongue. The riffs are burning
chisels that engrave rampage on your skin. This tune is just immense! You
can check it out at,
you can also find his interesting writings such as the one under the title
"Don't Give a Damn About My Bad Reputation." (
So sick and tired of today's anorexic bands' songs nicely packaged that
sound inconspicuous and that seem as if the songs are just in different
orders from their last albums. Rip-off product, fancy packaging. Billy
Druid's tunes, on the other hand, feed your head with a new zest for life
while emptying it of the stale mess. It's distinctly good and thrilling to
be alone with a wild stray wolf in the dark, instead of lying down with a
fine pedigree dog on the rug. Billy Druid is also like the frenetic wolf
that has gone through every situation that many could not endure and it has
led him to the core of a hurricane he calls home.
Just gorge yourself with his provocative tunes at ear-bleed volume, then you
will get the urge to taste more of his unpredictable actions.
- NeoTrad
April, 2006