Punks, friends, family, musicians,music lovers, and more punks gathered on July 26 at Downtown LA's Regent theater for the premiere screening of "Who is Billy Bones?"
Directed by Kathy Kolla, the documentary is the story of Los Angeles music man Billy Bones (aka Steven Fortuna) from his strict upbringing in a military family to his pursuit of success as a singer/songwriter in Hollywood.
While this story sounds familiar, it is anything but your typical search for fame saga. Bones was the front man for The Skulls, and Bones helped shape the notorious Masque-era punk scene that still inspires kids to pick up a guitar and pose in front of a bathroom mirror. Although many of his peers are stuck in 70's or 80's gear and are still performing the songs they did back then or disappeared into oblivion as the Los Angeles punk scene gave way to the hair metal and grunge scenes, Bones has been writing his brand of music for nearly 40 years.
Unlike many documentaries about musicians, this one doesn't have the build up to a life that ends in tragedy because of excessive drug use or fast cars nor does this one end with a scene of the aging rocker with wife number six lounging around the pool with 12 children from numerous liaisons.
No, this story's ending hasn't yet been written. While perseverance is a word you'll often hear applied to Billy Bones, purity of soul is really his secret. He is as true and uncompromising in his role as husband and father, as he is onstage as the rock and roll showman. He may not have a limo waiting outside but he has something money cannot buy - the respect of friends and fans alike. In the end, isn't that the measure of true success?
After the film, The Billy Bones band took the stage and Bones showed the young fans just how it's done crashing through "We're Selfish," "Rabies," and even a Roxy Music cover "Editions of You." He's a front man in every way, engaging, hypnotic, comical and serious. The set ended with Bones being joined on stage by an historical line up of band mates including Kevin Preston (Prima Donna), and Dustin Snodgrass (Paper Hearts) to perform "All Night a Rocker" the song from the film's closing credits.
If you aren't asking yourself "Who is Billy Bones?" you should be. Follow the site on FB for upcoming screenings: https://www.facebook.com/WhoIsBillyBones and watch out for the new record by The Billy Bones Band.

The Billy Bones LIVE SET LIST:
Really Doesn't Matter
All Excess
We're Selfish
Editions of You (Roxy Music)
Jerry # 5
Let's get Rid of New York
All Gone Now!!!

The BillyBones Are:
1. Billy Bones- Vox
2. Easy Lou Jones- Bass
3. Alex (Mez Man) Gomez - Drums
4. Dustin Snodgrass Guitar
5 Bad Otis Link ( World renown Artist as well) Anarchy Sax!!!!
'All Night a Rocker' which is the closing credit song for the Movie (Who is Billy Bones) written by Billy Bones, Kevin Preston and Drew Milford, which by the way Rodney Bingenhiermer has played 4 weeks in a Row on his Show!! Which is Rare for Rodney!!!!

Billy and The Velvet Boys ARE:
Kevin Preston (Prima Donna) Lead and Slide Guitar
Easy Lou Jones The BillyBones and The Sold
Lead Guitar
Drew Milford Bass Original bassist The BillyBones and his wife Kathy Kolla directed our Movie and Drew produced it!!!
Dustin Snodgrass Acoustic Guitar The BillyBones and The PaperHearts
Alex Gomez Drums The BillyBones
Nick Gomez Saxophone
Bonesy Vox
The Movie Promo
The Live Gig
Photos Dutch Michaels