"Air Kisses For The Masses"
Ginger Coyote
Buell is a very near and dear friend...we have known each other over 25
years....She is an incredible talent and I was eager to ask her about
her new her new single,
"A Kiss For The Masses" that was written by a
friend who passed away a couple years ago.
Globe: Thanks so much for the interview Bebe..I
know you are about to launch your new single from your upcoming CD. Can
you tell us about it?
Bebe: It is
called "AIR KISSES FOR THE MASSES" and it was written by a dear friend
of mine who passed away a couple of years back. His name is Dean
Johnson and his band was The Velvet Mafia. I covered it to pay tribute
to his brilliant song writing. The lyrics are very "now," filled with
pop culture references. Dean had a way with words. We put our own spin
on it musically and made it our own.
Punk Globe: You were very close with the late Joey
Ramone. Can you tell the readers about your friendship.
Bebe: Joey
had a big heart and if he loved your band he would try and help out.
His putting my band The Gargoyles on some of his shows and parties led
to many things in my career. He was very supportive and gave great
advice. I miss his a lot. With him gone the lower East Side is just not
the same.
Punk Globe: I
understand that Mickey Leigh has invited you to perform at the annual
Joey Ramone Birthday Bash..Who else is playing the party?
Bebe: I think
this year Fishbone are playing. That should be cool. Several surprises,
too, I'm told. The entire line-up isn't out just yet but that show is
annual and always sells out. It's a great room to play -- The Fillmore @
Irving Plaza -- wonderful stage and sound. I'm honored to be part of it
and to help raise money for Joey's charity.
Punk Globe: The venue where the party is at this year
has a new name, right?
Bebe: The
Fillmore @ Irving Plaza. The room used to just be called "Irving Plaza"
until recently.

Punk Globe: What is the name of your new CD Bebe?
Bebe: The
single is called "Air Kisses For The Masses," and my album will be
called "MUSESQUE." Twelve songs.
Punk Globe: Tell us who is playing on the CD with you,
and who produced it?
Bebe: It is
produced and recorded by TWINOMATICK -- a duo. Jimmy Walls &
Bobbie Rae. They played everything and wrote all the music. I wrote the
songs and concepts.
Punk Globe: I was lucky enough to hear an advance copy
of the CD and it sounds great. Have copies been sent out for review yet?
Bebe: Not
formally -- the single just dropped on April 15th, so we'll work that
before the album is released. I poured my heart and soul into this
record. It is very autobiographical.
Punk Globe: Will you be backing the new CD with a tour?
Bebe: We will
be doing it all. The next show will be June 24th at Hiro Ballroom in
NYC, and by the late Fall the entire tour should be booked and
confirmed. I am doing Europe, too. I'm pretty excited about all the
traveling. LOVE IT!
Punk Globe: In Europe you are a huge star any plans to
play there?
Bebe: My
dream is to play Berlin. I've never played there in all my years of
performing. But yes, we will play as many places that will have us.
Punk Globe: You recently launched a new Website can you
give the readers the address?
Bebe: http://www.bebebuell.org and
Punk Globe: Your new website looks phenomenal who
designed it?
Bebe: This
will be a good way to get people to visit the page -- their name is at
the bottom. These people are fantastic!! Very creative and smart. My
husband Jimmy also had a lot to do with the concept.
Punk Globe: How about your MySpace and Facebook
Bebe: I'm on
Facebook but I don't know the address. Just search my name I guess. My
personal page on My Space is

Punk Globe: You have always had an eye for spotting new
talent. Can you recommend anyone for us to keep an eye on?
Bebe: I'm in
love with "Living Things." Great band!! And I'm pretty thrilled to have
just found out there is a new band called "Chester French," who have a
song on their new record called "Bebe Buell". It is track #3. Their
record just dropped on April 21st. Google 'em. There is lots of YouTube footage of them doing "Bebe Buell". Very adorable!!
Punk Globe: Any CDs that are in constant rotation in
your CD player?
Bebe: Right
now "The Kings Of Leon" and of course,
"The White Trash Debutantes!!"
Punk Globe: Any words of advice for Punk Globe readers,
Bebe? We would like to thank you for taking the time for this
interview.. We love you Bebe!
Bebe: "People
will talk shit about you for your entire life. It doesn't matter what
anyone calls you. It's what you answer to that's important!"
Be sure to get your tickets for
the Joey Ramone Birthday Bash this year at The Fillmore at Irving
Plaza... We would like to thank Bebe for the great interview.
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