By: Kim Acrylic

Punk Globe: Greetings AshMcAuliffe, Glad you could do this interview.
Ash: It's a total pleasure.
Punk Globe: Your album Alone in the dark is very experimental and dark,where does that come from?
Ash: I don't want it
to sound cliched but I've always felt an affinity with darkness. As
human beings we all have light and dark attributes. We are always
mistakenly taught to embrace only the lighter sides of ourselves and
discard the dark. I've always felt this to be incorrect. My album is a
personal journey into the darker side of my psyche and it's a journey
many people should take.
Punk Globe: Who were you listening to the most whilst recording the album?
Ash: My musical
taste is very eclectic and has developed muchly over the years. During
the making of this album i had been listening to lots of electronic
artists ranging from Ladytron to t.A.T.u. But movie scores were an
important influence. I've always had a deep appreciation for horror
movie music and i truly feel it's an art not fully appreciated. A
horror score is unique in its ability to meld together lots of emotions
such as terror and relief. John Carpenter and Claudio Simonetti are
Punk Globe: Any musical obsessions you want to admit to?
ASh: I'm not ashamed
to admit that i'm a sucker for a clever pop song. I love t.A.T.u.. I
also love Girls Aloud. You can't be serious 100% of the time. Plus pop
music is good to get drunk too.
Punk Globe: Whats one thing about the music industry you wish would change?
Ash: There's so
many. I do think there is more pressure on female artists than the men
to succeed. The mainstream pop culture is a bad influence on teenage
girls and that's a fact. I know many girls who have or are suffering
from eating disorders as they are constantly force fed unnatural
images. The fact that the record companies appreciate a woman's breast
and waist size rather than her intellect still annoys the pants off me.
Punk Globe: You're from England,How do you think the competition is there compared to American music?
Ash: The good thing
about English music is that we actually enjoy our music in all its
forms. It's healthy competition and we have a healthy respect for each
others genre. We have so much to learn from one another. I don't think
we are snobby culture musically.
Punk Globe: Greatest compliment ever given about your music?
Ash: That is has touched their soul. To have affected someone that deeply is amazing.
Punk Globe: Where would your dream Gig be held at and why?
Ash: If I could
time travel it would have had to have been Woodstock. It was a festival
of unity. A people united by music. A time when music contained
messages of hope for the future and instilled many a good ethic in the
people that heard the songs.
Punk Globe: You are a new up and coming artist,tell Punk Globe why you think people should check your stuff out.
Ash: I think i have
the human element playing in my favour. I'm not a jumped up, arrogant
rock star wannabe. I'm just an average guy doing what he loves best. I
think my songs give people the opportunity to look deeper into
themselves and learn to respect and appreciate themselves and the world
around them.

Punk Globe: Any addictions?
Ash: Tea! The British stereotype! I can easily go through at least 20 cups a day! And chocolate... white chocolate!
Punk Globe: So you have recorded more than one album,correct?
Ash: Yes that is
correct. "Alone in the Dark " is my 4th record and my 2nd electronic
album. The first album "Book of Shadows" was a pop/rock album with many
hooks. I'm very proud of that album. The second record is called "The
Nocturnicon." This album is very raw and a lot darker. The lyrics are a
bit darker in tone. Certain tracks like Deal and Neptune's Lament still
haunt me. The Bionic I was my first electronica album and was
influenced majorly by technology and space. Space fascinates yet scares
the hell out of me.
Punk Globe: If you were to donate to a charity,which one would it be?
Ash: There are loads
of charities I wish I could help but at the minute i would have to say
Cancer Research and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Alone in the
Dark is dedicated to my older brother who is battling against Leukemia.
These charities need more funding by the governments of the world.
Punk Globe: How long have you been making music?
Ash: I have been writing all my life but finally plucked up the courage to record back in 2003.
Punk Globe: Are you planning on sticking to the sound you got going on or changing?
Ash: "To grow and
evolve" has always been my musical motto. I've done pop, rock and
electronica to date. I recently posted a blog on myspace declaring my
love for Trip-Rock and Trip-Hop music. Artists like The Gathering,
Portishead and MArtina Topley-Bird have reignited my creativity. I want
to be able to say "I tried that" even if it does result in failure.
Punk Globe: Fave Punk rock band?
Ash: Siouxsie and the Banshees. The woman is a legend, poet, muse and goddess!
Punk Globe: Whats your favorite lyric that you wrote?
Ash: I have 3!
"Happiness is merely Supernatural," "Poisoned dart drives deep a way to
a broken heart that won't heal today" and "Meeting place amongst the
silver skyline shadows
And the dimness of the light
Fades and changes then rises again to this brains delight"
Punk Globe: You did a great cover of "Season Of The Witch," Donovan fan?
Ash: A major Donovan
fan! He is a British original! So distinctive and unique. His ability
to fuse so many genres together is an inspiration. "Season of the
Witch" was the first song I truly loved as a child. The original is
quite poppy and catchy but as i got older and learnt more about the
magickal arts the song took on a deeper and darker meaning. I always
wondered what the song would sound like put to electronic music and i
feel it turned out brilliantly. I'd be majorly flattered if Donovan
liked my version.

Punk Globe: Do you plan to play outside of England?
Ash: One day. I aim to play the States and Ireland. I have to play these 2 countries in order to die a happy man.
Punk Globe: Who would be your dream tour buddy band?
Ash: I would love to
tour with Manda Rin. She's such an amazingly talented and inspirational
woman. I've loved her since she was in Bis. To either collaborate or
get drunk with Manda would be an experience I'd treasure!
Punk Globe: Can you describe why you make music?
Ash: To keep me sane!
Punk Globe: I ask you for a dance,which song do you put on the stereo?
Ash: *Blush* Rush Hour by Jane Wiedlin. I love that song! There are so many memories attached to that song!
Punk Globe: What do you think of "cover bands"
Ash: I think they do
a great job in promoting the original band. Anyone cover band who can
inspire the listener they're playing to to go buy the albums of the
original artist should be applauded.
Punk Globe: Describe Ash in 3 words
Ash: Mystical, grounded, inquisitive
Punk Globe: Do you think being Gay in the music world has its advantages or disadvantages? and how so?
Ash: I am happy with
my sexuality but I honestly don't want to be known as "Ash: the Gay
singer." My sexuality is only a tiny piece of me: important but not the
whole of me. In life I've found that my sexuality will always attract
attention both positive and negative. In the music business i think
it's a lot more open and accepting. But that is how we are going to
beat homophobia and change people's negative views on homosexuality by
having realistic and inspirational gay musicians in the public domain.
I'd like to think though that anyone struggling with their sexuality
could listen to my music and think "Gee, this guy understands" because
I went through it all too.
Punk Globe: Thanks so much for talking with me,hope to hear more of you in the future!!
Ash: It's been a pleasure. You are a gem.
Interview by Kim Acrylic for Punk Globe magazine